Extract from the Receipt roll for Easter 5, Henry III that records the overall contributions from each of the Jewish settlements across England to the c. 1221 tallage Catalogue Ref: E 401/4, m. 4d).
Latin Transcription
Glouernia Summa XIX li[bris] II s[olidis] IIII d[enariis]
Norwich’ Summa XXVIII li[bris] VII s[olidis] IIII d[enariis]
Wintonia Summa LIII li[bris] VII s[olidis] III ob[olus].
Stanford’ Summa XXXVII li[bris] XVII s[olidis] XI d[enariis] ob[olus].
Notingham Summa VI li[bris] VI s[olidis] IX d[enariis]
Lincolnia Summa LII li[bris] X s[olidis] III ob[olus].
Cantebr’ Summa XVI li[bris] VI s[olidis] IX d[enariis]
Norhanton’ Summa XLVII li[bris] X s[olidis]
Oxonia Summa XXVII li[bris] VIII s[olidis] II d[enariis]
Ebor’ Summa CLXIIII li[bris] X s[olidis]
Bristoll’ Summa XXII li[bris] XII s[olidis] IX d[enariis]
Herefordia Summa XXXI li[bris] IX s[olidis] V d[enariis]
Wigornia Summa LXI s[olidis] II d[enariis]
Kantuaria Summa LII li[bris] VIII s[olidis] X d[enariis]
Londonia Summa IIII li[bris] X s[olidis] IIII d[enariis]
Exonia Summa VIII li[bris] V s[olidis] VIII d[enariis]
Colecestria Summa XLVIII s[olidis] IX d[enariis]
Summa DCLIIII li[bris] III s[olidis] V d[enariis] ob[olus].
Simplified translation
Gloucester Total – 19 pounds, 2 shillings, 4 pence.
Norwich Total – 27 pounds, 7 shillings, 4 pence.
Winchester Total – 53 pounds, 7 shillings, 1 pence.
Stamford Total – 37 pounds, 17 shillings, 11 pence.
Nottingham Total – 6 pounds, 6 shillings, 9 pence.
Lincoln Total – 52 pounds, 10 shillings, 1 and a half pence.
Cambridge Total – 16 pounds, 6 shillings, 9 pence.
Northampton Total – 47 pounds, 10 shillings.
Oxford Total – 27 pounds, 8 shillings, 2 pence.
York Total – 164 pounds, 10 shillings.
Bristol Total – 22 pounds, 12 shillings, 9 pence.
Hereford Total – 31 pounds, 19 shillings, 5 pence.
Worcester Total – 61 shillings, 2 pence [or 3 pounds, 1 shilling and 2 pence]
Canterbury Total – 52 pounds, 8 shillings, 10 pence.
London Total – 80 pounds, 10 shillings, 4 pence.
Exeter Total – 8 pounds, 5 shillings, 8 pence.
Colchester Total – 48 shillings and 9 pence [or 2 pounds, 8 shillings and 9 pence]
Total – 654 pounds, 3 shillings and 5 and a half pence.
- The total contributions made by each Jewish community to the 1221 tallage are recorded at the end of the Receipt roll. Focus on Source 2 and consider the following questions:
- How many Jewish communities contributed to the tallage (tax)?
- Which community contributed the most to the tallage (tax)?
- Reflecting on key events from last lesson, does the contribution from the York community surprise you? Explain your answer.
- Using this extract, explain why historians have called this a ‘prosperous’ age for England’s Jewish communities.