Source 2

Extracts from the Great Roll of the Pipe for the fifth year of the reign of King Henry Second, A.D 1158-1159. Catalogue Ref: E 372/5.


I, II, III, IIII, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9, 10

XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
XXX, XL, LX, L, LX, LXX, LXXX, XC, C, CC 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,

80, 90, 100, 200

Marcis Marks
Libris Pounds
Solidis Shillings
Denariis Pence


Entry A: Norhantscira

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de XV li[bris] de Judeis de Norh[antscira]

Entry B: Lundonia et Middelsexa

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de CC m[arcis] p[er] Judeis.

Entry C: Wirecestrescira

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de II m[arcis] p[er] Judeo.

Entry D: Oxinefortscira

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de XX m[arcis] de Judeis.

Entry E: Gloecestrescira

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de V m[arcis] de Judeis.

Entry F: Lincoliescira

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de XL li[bris] per Judeis.

Entry G: Norwyci

Id[em] vic[ecomites] redd[it] Comp[otum] de XLIIII li[bris] et VI s[olidis] et VIII d[enariis] de Judeis de Norwyci


« Return to Jews in England 1066


These are extracts from the Great Roll of the Pipe for the fifth year of the reign of King Henry II, 1158-1159.

England’s Jewish community first settled in London, England’s main financial centre. However, by the end of King Stephen’s reign in c. 1154, Jewish communities were appearing in other locations such as Norwich and Cambridge.  The amounts contributed by each Jewish community to the tax (donum) levied in c. 1159 shows the location of these settlements. The Pipe rolls provide information about where Jews lived and the contributions they made to the tax.

Read Source 2 and complete the table:

  • Can you work out using the Latin transcript which entry on the Pipe roll matches with the location of the Jewish communities below?
  • Using the key to help, how much tax did each community below pay?
LOCATION Entry (A-G)? Contribution to the tax?
London and Middlesex
  • What might the amount of tax suggest about the size and importance of each community?
  • Why do you believe Jewish individuals left London to establish these satellite communities?
  • From these sources (and the charter above), how do you think English kings felt about Jews settling in England?
  • Do you think the wider Christian population would have felt the same? Explain your answer.