Source 3

Draft government proclamation, 1588 (SP 12/211)


This extract has been translated into modern English with line numbers added.

Line 21 …     whose profession is certainly known in favour of the
Pope whom they make their God on the earth, to deny their
allegiance to her Majesty their sovereign natural Lady and Queen,
and to change and subvert the happy state of the realm, and
Line 25         to make the same subject to the Popes will, and the Crown to be
translated to such a foreign potentate as he shall thereto name
to usurp the same, for so by therein writing they do directly
pronounce the intentions of the Pope to be, in procuring of the

King of Spain, and other potentates vasselled to the Pope, to invade
Line 30         this Realm, and to gain the Crown and the realm with the
wealth thereof to therein devours, which cannot be imagined to be done
without a full tyrannical conquest of the same, by depriving of her
Majesty, and by slaughter of all such her subjects of all degrees both
noble and others, as shall for their conscience towards Almighty
Line 35         God, persist in the true profession of Christian Religion, and for their
allegiance towards her Majesty (according to their bond of nature, being
naturally born her subjects: (shall hazard their lives, both in defence
of her Majesty’s person, and to the maintenance of this Crown, Kingdom
Country, and people, in the Kingly honour, and ancient liberty wherein
Line 40         it hath remained and been inhabited with kings and people of mean
Line 41         English blood, more than this five hundred years: …

Simplified transcript

Line 21 …     They are certainly known to be in favour of the
Pope whom they make their God on the earth, denying their
loyalty to Her Majesty their natural sovereign Lady and Queen,
and changing and threatening the happy state of the realm,
Line 25         making it subject to the Pope’s will, with the Crown
given to a foreign ruler named by him
to take over. In writing they openly
say the intentions of the Pope are, in getting hold of the

King of Spain and other rulers who are the Pope’s vassals, to invade
Line 30         this realm, and to gain the Crown and the realm with its
wealth to devour it. This cannot be done
without a full and cruel takeover of the country, depriving Her
Majesty, and the murder of all her subjects of all levels, both
noble and others, who for their conscience towards Almighty
Line 35         God continue in the true Christian Religion, and for their
loyalty towards Her Majesty (according to their bond of nature, being
naturally born her subjects) risk their lives, both in defence
of Her Majesty’s person, and in keeping this Crown, kingdom
country, and people in the kingly honour and ancient liberty in which
Line 40         it has remained, and been inhabited with kings and people of ordinary
Line 41         English blood, for more than 500 years: …

« Return to Elizabethan propaganda

3. Elizabeth I’s ministers tried to shift the blame for the war on to others. Again they used writer’s tricks.

  • Can you find a strong adjective and a strong verb?
  • Which religious leader did the English Government blame for encouraging the invasion?
  • What did Elizabeth I’s ministers say that leader’s motive was?
  • What did they say would happen to ordinary English people?