A second extract from a document entitled ‘Memorandum of the Services of Dr James Barry Inspector General of Hospitals’. This was written by Dr Barry at the end of his career after serving in Canada when he returned to London in 1859, although the date stamp on the document is not clear. Catalogue ref: WO 138/1
In this extract Dr James Barry makes refers to the Crimean War (1854-56) fought by an alliance of Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia against Russia. Whilst serving during the Crimean War, Dr James Barry was supposed to have argued with Florence Nightingale.
I was shortly after promoted to the rank of Deputy Inspector General in the Ionian Islands. During the period of my service there, war was declared against Russia and at my suggestion to Lord Raglan and Inspector General Sir J. Hall, 500 of the sick and wounded from the Crimea were sent and placed under my charge at Corfu, upward of 400 of them returned fit for active service having been restored to health in an unusually short period and I myself proceeded on leave to the Crimea where I remained about three months with the 4th Division before Sebastopol and made myself useful as opportunities offered which can be testified by Sir John Hall and the Colonel and officers…
- Find out about the Crimean war and Lord Raglan, the commander of British troops mentioned by Dr Barry in this extract.
- What does this extract infer about Dr Barry’s work and service during the Crimean War?