Negro migration in Britain by Eric Walrond 1947-1948 (CO 876/88)
“It’s fine up to now,” declared O.Jones, the sole Negro black-smith in the works, when I asked him how he was getting on. A big, heavily built man of fifty he was another of the migrants from the ‘Isle of Springs’. For 23 years he had worked on the Jamaica Govern-ment Railways. The little shed roofed with corrugated iron in which he stood perspiring in blue overalls beside the forge was shared with another blacksmith, a white man. “I have applied to join the union,” he went on, “but I have not heard from them yet.”
5. Look at Source 5. This is a report on Negro migration in Britain by Eric Walrond 1947-1948.
- Do you think Obidiah Jones was happy with his new job?
- What clues are there to show he was settling in?