Source 6 - a note by a UK government official

Extract from a note by a UK government official on a meeting about cross-border bodies November 1998

Context notes

Part of the Belfast Agreement of 1998 was the setting up of cross border bodies – organisations which took responsibility for a range of issues across the whole island of Ireland. For example, the North/South Ministerial Council was established. The Council takes the form of meetings between ministers from both Ireland and Northern Ireland and is responsible for twelve policy areas. Six of these areas are the responsibility of corresponding North/South Implementation Bodies. For Unionists in particular, agreeing to these bodies was a massive step as it allowed for deeper cooperation with the Irish government on matters affecting Northern Ireland and Ireland. Trimble was the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. Mallon was Seamus Mallon, Deputy Leader of the Social and Democratic Labour Party (SDLP), the main Nationalist party at this time.







John Holmes Esq

Private Secretary to the Prime Minister

10 Downing Street



24 November 1998


Dear John


State of Play as at 4pm on 24 November

This note sets out the latest position on north-south bodies. Good meeting between Trimble and Mallon on Monday, following up good meeting in Dublin on Friday. UUP and SDLP officials tasked to work on remaining areas of disagreement. Irish paper on implementation bodies rewritten to take account of (most of) Friday’s discussion, cleared with the SDLP and Sinn Fein yesterday and presented to UUP officials this morning.


Close to agreement

Inland Waterways; Food Safety; Language; Strategic Transport Planning; Aquaculture and Marine Matters; Tourism (latest Irish paper neatly addresses Trimble’s concerns)

« Return to The Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement (KS4)



  1. Who was meeting and where did they meet?
  2. What areas of agreement were close?

Inferences from the Content

  1. What can a historian infer from the activities described in this document?

Inferences from the Context

  1. What inferences could a historian make from the fact that this meeting was happening?

Lines of Argument

Which line(s) of argument A-E could use this document as supporting evidence?