24 Thornes Lane, 1921 Census Record


1921 Census record:
Name and Surname Relationship to Head of Household Age Sex Marriage or Orphanhood Birthplace and Nationality School Personal Occupation Employment Place of Work
Alice Clowes Head 36 F Widow Consall Staffordshire [Blank] School Caretaker Wakefield Education Committee Thornes Lane Infant School
Alice Ann Clowes Daughter 13 F Father dead Lawton Cheshire Whole time [Blank] [Blank] [Blank]
Jessie Maud Clowes Daughter 9 F Father dead Lawton Cheshire Whole time [Blank] [Blank] [Blank]
Bessie Joan Daughter 6 F Father dead Normanton Yorkshire Whole time [Blank] [Blank] [Blank]
Ann James Mother 73 F Widow Stowbridge Worcestershire [Blank] [Blank] [Blank] At home


Males Females Persons Rooms
0 5 5 4

I declare that this Schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief

[signed] Alice Clowes


« Return to Case Study C – Wakefield
  1. Look at Source One and answer these questions.

Source one- 1921 Census record- The National Archives (RG15/22498)

  • What kind of activities does Alice’s job involve?
  • What subjects do you think younger Alice, Jessie and Bessie study?
  • Why do you think Ann is living with the family?
  • What else can you learn about the family?
  1. What questions do you have about this family that are not answered by the census record? Write these down and keep them.