Book a visit to view our documents
Use this service to book a visit to view our documents. You may book a maximum of 36 visits in a rolling 12-week period.
Find out more about how to book and what to expect.
Before you book
You will need your reader’s ticket number to make a provisional booking.
Register for or renew a reader’s ticketBook a standard visit
11,204 places available
- Documents can be from multiple series,
for example ADM 22 and C 142 - 1-day visit
- Up to 12 documents
- Camera stands and computer access available
- On-demand document ordering
Book a bulk order visit
299 places available
- Documents have to be from one series,
for example ADM 22 - 1-day visit
- Between 20 and 40 documents
- Camera stands and computer access available
- On-demand document ordering
Already booked a visit?
See your document order for an upcoming visit using your booking reference and reader’s ticket number.
View or edit your document orderFor disabled visitors to our reading rooms we have made the following adjustments to enhance your access to our collection:
- We have reserved one bulk order place each day separate from those on the booking system. You will still need to give 4 days’ notice for the items you would like to review. To access these places, you need to contact the accessibility line on 020 3897 1575 so that we can make the booking for you.
- We will also hold your documents for up to 3 weeks rather than 1 week in case you are unable to attend on the day booked. We ask that you contact us to let us know so that we can then hold these items for you.