Main section

Award, feedback and reapplication

The panel will score against the assessment criteria and provide feedback. You will be given the opportunity to discuss your application with a member of The National Archives’ Grants and Funding team, upon request. 

The National Archives’ decision regarding any application is final, and no appeal process is in place: it is the lead applicant’s responsibility to make sure that all of the information provided in the application is correct, their proposal meets the eligibility criteria, and all sections of the application are complete. Applications that are deemed ineligible will be excluded from consideration. Any points you wish to make should be made clearly and concisely in the application form. 

Repeat applications are not possible for this programme. However, the panel will endeavour to provide constructive feedback that enables positive solutions and clear next steps, upon request. There are no restrictions on institutions submitting an application for a different project. 

If you are awarded funding, The National Archives’ Grants and Funding team will contact you with a Grant Funding Agreement, which should be signed by an appropriate member of your organisation. For grants of a value lower then £20,000, 100% of the grant’s value will be paid to you up front, except in circumstances where The National Archives, in consultation with the grantee, deems that an alternative payment structure is necessary for the successful delivery of the funded activities. For grants of and over £20,000 in value, payments will usually be made in two instalments, at the start and end of your projects.

Reporting, evaluation and knowledge dissemination

Awarded grantees will be required to report on the progress and outcomes of the grant. More detail on monitoring and reporting will be available following the award of the grant.  

Grantees will also be required to demonstrate the benefits and key performance indicators (KPIs) that the competition is seeking to realise. Successful applicants will be required to provide evidence against these measures at regular intervals throughout the project, including at the project launch and close. The measures against which applicants will be required to report, and the reporting intervals, will be agreed at award stage. Whilst benefit & KPI reporting is compulsory for all applicants, performance against these indicators is for the purpose of measuring the impact of the funding programme only, and does not affect eligibility for the grant. 

Our approach to monitoring and evaluation is informed by our vision: through our grant-making, we want to build evidence for investment in archives, celebrate grantees’ success, and advocate for the archives sector, while keeping our reporting requirements as flexible and accessible as possible. 

Grant conditions

All grantees will be required to comply with the Code of Conduct for Recipients of Government General Grants and all relevant legislation, as well as the monitoring and evaluation conditions outlined in the previous sections. Further conditions may be outlined within the Grant Funding Agreement.