
Major accessions to repositories in 2014 relating to Literary History |
- Barnsley Booklovers' Club: minutes 1919-1936 (A/3598/G)
- Roy Ernest Palmer (1932-2015), author, folklorist and musicologist: research notes rel to Birmingham street ballad printers 20th cent (MS 4655)
- George Ormerod (1785-1873), antiquary: pedigrees, transcriptions, extracts from Harleian manuscripts, letters to Ormerod in response to enquiries, family papers, notes rel to Malpas, Ormerod's 'History of Cheshire' with additional notes 17th-19th cent (D 8567)
- Ernest Victor Thompson (1931-2012), author: original typescripts and research papers 1990-1999 (AD2362)
- Josefina Alys Hermes De Vasconcellos (1904-2005), sculptor: sketches and photographs of work, poems, plays, music, corresp, books and catalogues of work 1900-2005 (WDVAS)
- Lawrence Du Garde Peach (1890-1974), historian and dramatist: literary papers incl typed scripts and books 20th cent (D7686)
- William Barnes (1801-1886), Dorset poet: letters (5) to Richard Shepherd (Mayo family) 1879-1884 (D/MAY)
- Roy Ernest Palmer (1932-2015), author, folklorist and musicologist: papers rel to publication 'Folklore of the Black Country' (2007) c2007 (Acc 9737)
- 'The Last Coals of Spring': poems, stories and songs by the women of Easington Colliery dealing with the Miners' Strike 1985 (D/X 1971)
- Long family of Preshaw: scrapbooks of Lady Mary Long (1789-1875) incl poems and transcripts, with newscuttings rel to the Napoleonic War and Caroline, Princess of Wales 1798-1828 (94A14)
- David Ralston Morrison (1941-2012), poet, painter, editor and librarian: papers, photographs and memorabilia of David Morrison and the Pulteney Press c1970-2012 (P404)
- Fort William Literary Association: minute book [transferred from West Highland Museum] 1907-1913 (L/D149)
- St Ives Book Club: records 1891-1994 (5752)
- Lancaster Litfest: records incl minutes, accounts, programmes and project files 1978-2012 (DDX 3080)
- John Brophy (1899-1965), journalist and novelist of Liverpool: corresp and publications 1939-1963 (920 BRY)
- William Caldwell Roscoe (1823-1859), poet and essayist: manuscript collection of poems presented to Henrietta Roscoe 1849 (920 CAL)
- Liverpool Bibliographic Society: minutes, agendas and publications 1987-1995 (016 BIB)
- Cyril 'Cy' Ewart Lionel Grant (1919-2010), Guyanese actor, musician, writer and poet: records incl corresp, notes, personal papers, photographs, draft manuscripts, with audio-visual material incl records of Drum Arts Centre Ltd and Concord Festival Trust c1940-2010 (B14/087)
- Frank Green (fl 1890), educationalist: research papers, notes and copies of publications rel to Dickens and London c1890-1900 (B14/106)
- Friends of Keats House: records of AGMs, committee meetings and corresp, newsletters, consultation rel to the future of the Friends, bursaries, membership lists, newspaper cuttings and CD 1987-2012 (B14/099)
- Stanley Middleton (1919-2009), novelist: corresp with Dr Per H B Carstens 1999-2009 (8552)
- Angela Hartnell (fl 1994-2013), author and diarist: material rel to the book 'Crackhead' incl diaries and photographs 1994-2013 (DR1175)
- Shakespeare Birthplace Trust: records incl administrative papers, audiovisual material, leaflets and collection catalogues 1868-2014 (TR)
- Year of Shakespeare, academic research project: papers and festival programmes 2012-2014 (Acc 2014.23)
- Reading Sheffield, community project: oral history interviews concerning reading in Sheffield 2011-2014 (2014/12)
- Hood family, Viscounts Bridport: corresp, diaries and papers incl memoirs of John Periam of Butleigh Wootton 1791, pattern book 1675, recipe book, file of letters written by Horatio Nelson 1795-1800, with covering letters, a letter from the Duke of Wellington 1836, and a 1827 signed poem from the Poet Laureate Southey 1600-1999 (A\DXD)
- Robert Barr (1849-1912), journalist, author and editor: papers incl typescript and manuscript short stories c1890-1914 (9412)
- Robert Cedric Sherriff (1896-1975), playwright and scriptwriter: additional papers incl manuscripts, accounts, corresp, photographs, interview recording (1972), and family papers incl diaries, corresp, photographs and postcards 1871-2014 (2332 add, 9281, 9314)
- Manuscript of the play 'A Breezy Morning' by Eden Phillpotts and Jerome K Jerome c1904 (Acc1595)
- Ernest Albert John Davies (1902-1991), journalist, author, MP: personal and family papers and photographs 19th cent-1979 (05336)
- Leamington Literary and Philosophical Society: minutes, photograph albums, corresp and publications 1950-2002 (05308)
- William Bell (1924-1948), poet: papers 1940-1957 (Add MS 89080)
- Edmund Candler (1874-1926), journalist and writer: corresp and papers 1877-1957 (Add MS 89079)
- Wendy Cope (b 1945), poet: papers 1957-2010 (Add MS 89108)
- Peter Dale (b 1938), poet: papers 1959-2012 (Add MS 89065)
- Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665), author, naval commander and diplomat: manuscript poems in praise of Lady Venetia Digby, or elegies in her memory 1623-1633 (Add MS 89136)
- Alfred Bruce Douglas (1870-1945), poet: letters (8), chiefly addressed to Francis, 11th Marquess of Queensberry, and Cathleen, Marchioness of Queensberry 1927-1984 (Add MS 89107)
- Hanif Kureishi (b 1954), writer: papers 1970-2012 (Add MS 89091)
- Michael Meyer (1921-2000), writer and translator: papers 20th cent (Add MS 89064)
- John Mitford (1782-1831), sailor and writer: manuscript poems c1790-1802 (Add MS 89069)
- Harold Pinter (1930-2008), actor and playwright: corresp with Michael Goldstein 1949-2009 (Add MS 89083)
- Mandeville Press, publishers, East Finchley: corresp and papers, incl manuscript poems 1952-1999 (Add MS 89093)
- Horace Claflin Bayley (1868-1932), poet: papers incl manuscript and published poetry rel to First World War, with miscellaneous papers c1910-1929 (MS 13681)
- David Macleod Black (b 1941), poet and author: letters to James Greene, with related literary papers 1977-2014 (Acc.13573)
- Michael Brander (1924-2011), author: corresp and book files 1953-2006 (Acc.13520)
- Hamish Macmillan Brown (b 1934), mountaineer and author: further literary and personal papers 1923-2012 (Acc.13518)
- Tom Bryan (b 1950), writer: literary papers 1981-2014 (Acc.13566)
- Janet Hinshaw Caird (1913-1994), author: notebooks and papers, mainly rel to her novel 'The Umbrella-Maker's Daughter' c1977-1979 (Acc.13485)
- William Sydney Graham (1918-1986), poet: corresp and drawings 1950-1984 (Acc.13531)
- Harvey Holton (1949-2010), poet: notebooks and literary papers c1967-2009 (Acc.13584)
- Kathleen Jamie (b 1962), author and poet: further literary papers and notebooks c1996-2012 (Acc.13544)
- Michael Lister (b 1962), author: corresp and papers rel to David Daiches 2004-2008 (Acc.13500)
- Joseph Todd Gordon Macleod (1903-1984), poet, writer and broadcaster: diaries 1918-1979 (Acc.13506)
- George Outram (1805-1856), journalist: letters and poem 1840-1853 (Acc.13489)
- Richard Price (b 1966), literary editor and poet: poetry notebooks 1992-2004 (Acc.13512)
- Paul Henderson Scott (b 1920), author and diplomat: literary and political papers 1965-2012 (Acc.13505)
- Iain Crichton Smith (1928-1998), poet: additional papers 20th cent (Acc.13496)
- Muriel Sarah Spark (1918-2006), author: additional papers (Acc.13508)
- Dannie Abse (1923-2014), poet, novelist and dramatist: additional personal papers 2009-2013 (Dannie Abse Papers)
- Emyr Edwards (fl 1973-2014), playwright, critic and chief examiner in drama, Welsh Joint Education Committee: complete set of his plays, in typescript 1973-2014 (Dramâu Emyr Edwards)
- John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and writer: letters (100) to Dinah White, nurse to his son Littleton Alfred Powys during the latter's terminal illness, with related family corresp 1953-1954 (NLW MSS 24060-24063)
- B George Rees (fl 1939-1941), churchman, Workers Education Authority tutor: letters and photographs sent to Rev Rees during his time as literature tutor at the Maesteg Unemployed Centre, incl letters from authors incl Dylan Thomas, WH Auden, WG Wells and Emlyn Williams 1939-1941 (NLW MS 24059F)
- Philip Edward Thomas (1878-1917), poet and prose writer: letters (3) to his father, Philip Thomas, rel to the death and posthumous reputation of Edward Thomas 1917 (NLW MS 24044D)
- Letters (2) from Rev Sydney Bowen Williams, Vicar of St Martins, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, to Dr Daniel Jones, rel to arrangements for the funeral of Dylan Thomas 1953 (NLW MS 24044D, ff. 15-18)
- John Stoller (fl 1973-1975), art dealer and gallerist: corresp with the writer and artist Ian Hamilton Finlay, and photographs of Stonypath 1973-1975 (TGA 201414)
- Alfred Ernest Walter George Aris (1882-1963), author and illustrator: scrapbooks, photographs, illustrations plates and proofs, portraits, book and other illustrations 1913-1944 (AAD/2014/11)
- Erik Blegvad (1923-2014), illustrator: illustrations and designs for books, with American magazines and calendars, sketchbooks, corresp, photographs, proofs of illustrations and dummy books 1923-2014 (AAD/2014/16)
- William Franklin Ash (1917-2014), writer and activist: papers, play scripts, prose, political papers and photographs c1940-2014 (ASH)
- Cyril Lionel Robert James (1901-1989), activist, writer and historian: digital photographs, with transcript of recording and report 1989 (AC2014/07)
- Enid Mary Blyton (1897-1968), writer: manuscripts, typescripts and artwork rel to Blyton's 'Noddy', incl typescripts (2) with artwork by illustrators Harmsen van der Beek and Peter Wienk 1954-1959 (EB, HVB, PW)
- Helen Craig (b 1934), illustrator: additional artwork for the Angelina Ballerina books, incl for 'Angelina's Cinderella' and 'Angelina's Big City Ballet' c2010-2014 (HCr)
- Susan Einzig (1922-2009), illustrator: pen and ink illustrations (6) for 'Tom's Midnight Garden' by Philippa Pearce c1958 (SE)
- Nicholas Stuart Gray (1922-1981), author, playwright and actor: corresp 1965-1984 (NSG)
- Chris Haughton (fl 2007-2014), illustrator: preparatory material incl rough artwork, notes and digital files for three books: 'A Bit Lost', 'Oh no, George!' and 'Shh! We have a plan' c2007-2014 (CHa)
- Harold Jones (1904-1992), illustrator: additional illustrations in pen, ink and watercolour for 'Lavender's Blue', a volume of nursery rhymes compiled by Kathleen Lines c1954 (HJ)
- Tony Mitton (b 1951), writer and poet: additional papers incl manuscripts, corresp with publishers, notebooks and proof copies c1998-2014 (TMi)
- Mary Rayner (b 1933), author and illustrator: artwork for 'Garth Pig Steals the Show', 'Garth Pig and the Ice Cream Lady', 'Mr and Mrs Pig's Evening Out' and 'Mrs Pig's Bulk Buy', with dummy books for 'Garth Pig Steals the Show' and 'Mrs Pig's Bulk Buy' c1980-1995 (MRa)
- Frances Lincoln, publishers, London: preliminary and finished artwork for the children's book 'Over the Hills and Far Away' by various artists and illustrators incl Patrick James Lynch, Niki Daly, Ann James, Mo Willems, Sian Jenkins, Helen Craig and others c2012-2013 (OHFA)
- Book Trust, children's book charity: records rel to the Children's Laureate scheme, incl corresp, publicity material and press cuttings c2001-2014 (BT)
- Sir William Robertson Nicoll (1851-1923), journalist: additional personal and family papers 18th-20th cent (MS 3518)
- Griffith Davis (1876-1936), poet and musician: notebooks 1836-1849
- Penguin Books Ltd, publishers, London: additional records 20th-21st cent
- Bill Griffiths (1948-2007), poet, scholar, publisher and translator: corresp, poems and stories 1972-2007 (BG)
- Hima Raza (1975-2003), poet and academic: papers, photographs, typescripts and manuscripts of works 1917-2003 (HR)
- Allan Sutherland (fl 1980-2014), author and poet: poems, interviews and recordings rel to Sutherland's 'Neglected Voices', transcription poems rel to life stories of people with disabilities c2010-2011 (NEGV)
- Anthony Barnett (b 1941), poet and editor: literary corresp and papers c1960-2010 (MS Add. 10056)
- George Gomori (b 1934), poet, translator and literary scholar: further literary corresp c1960-2009 (MS Add. 9716)
- John Peter Scupham (b 1933), poet: additional literary corresp and papers c2010 (MS Add. 9941)
- William Guy Shepherd (1935-2012), poet: literary corresp and papers 20th-21st cent (MS Add. 10063)
- Andrew Sinclair (b 1935), novelist and filmmaker: corresp and papers 20th cent (MS Add. 10050)
- Anne Stevenson (b 1933), poet: additional papers c2000-2009 (MS Add. 9451)
- John Hope Welch (b 1942), poet and editor: literary corresp and papers incl records of The Many Press 20th-21st cent (MS Add. 10064)
- Clive Wilmer (b 1945), poet, translator and literary critic: further literary papers 21st cent (MS Add. 9958)
- Donald Alfred Davie (1922-1995), poet and literary critic: letter to Tony Porter 1993 (MS Add. 10005)
- Sarah Millicent Hermione Churchill (1914-1982), actress and writer: personal papers c1920-1994 (SCHL)
- Mary Soames (1922-2014), Lady Soames, writer: personal papers, with papers of family members incl material rel to historical research c1970-2013 (MCHL)
- Philip Edward Thomas (1878-1917), poet and prose writer: corresp, poetry, prose works, book reviews, photographs, also incl related papers from family, friends and researchers, and records rel to the Edward Thomas Fellowship 1853-2010 (424)
- Whitelaw Ainslie (1767-1837), surgeon: collection of romantic-era Scottish Borders poetry 1700-1899 (Coll 1542)
- John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895), classical scholar and man of letters: letters (3) 1864-1866 (Coll 1514)
- John Gray (1866-1934), poet: letters (2) and printed ephemera 1928-1933 (Coll 1565)
- Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood (1904-1986), writer: letters (10) to Harry J Heckford 1967-1972 (Coll 686)
- John Middleton Murry (1889-1957), writer and journal editor: additional papers rel to Murry and Community Farm 1942-1987 (Coll 1584)
- Robert Nye (b 1939), poet and novelist: additional papers 2000-2009 (Coll 54)
- Ellen Caroline Warter (b 1839), granddaughter of Robert Southey: commonplace books (2) rel to the Brontes 1885 (Coll 1559)
- Donald Weeks (1921-2003), biographer: papers rel to Tragara Press, with research papers rel to 'Baron Corvo' 1939-1986 (Coll 1571)
- John Dover Wilson (1881-1969), literary scholar and educationist: misc papers 1905-1964 (Coll 1519)
- Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial Committee, Edinburgh: papers 1892-1920 (Coll 1549)
- Edwin George Morgan (1920-2010), writer and poet: papers incl sheets recording acceptance/rejection of poems 1947-2002, and corresp to 2010 1947-2010 (MS Morgan)
- Edward Markham (1939-2008), poet, dramatist and writer: records incl corresp, play scripts, short story typescripts and teaching files rel to Sheffield Hallam University 20th cent (U DAM)
- Jean Iris Murdoch (1919-1999), novelist and philosopher: letters (c1000) from Murdoch to Brigid Brophy and to Michael Levey 1957-1995 (KUAS142)
- Books by Iris Murdoch with some handwritten annotations by AS Byatt 1956-1980 (KUAS156)
- Michael Blackburn (b 1954), poet: drafts, revisions, proofs, notebooks, corresp, diaries, photographs, cuttings, publicity and publications c1970-1998 (SPCOLL/2014/80)
- Charles Stanley Causley (1917-2003), poet, broadcaster and teacher: letters and cards to Professor Mick Gidley 1977-1991 (MS 1950)
- Elizabeth Cook (b 1952), author: corresp, draft manuscripts, cuttings and research papers rel to the publication of 'Achilles' 1986-2003 (MS 1934)
- Roy Broadbent Fuller (b 1912), poet and author: additional papers incl draft manuscripts, revisions, proofs, cuttings, corresp, diaries, photographs and publications 1939-1990 (SPCOLL/2014/55)
- Anthony Harrison (b 1937), poet, translator and playwright: additional literary papers incl drafts, revisions, proofs, corresp, notebooks, photographs and programmes 1985-2013 (SPCOLL/2014/103)
- Hermione Lee (b 1948), writer, academic and journalist: material rel primarily to her work with the Arvon Foundation, incl minutes, corresp, annual reports, accounts, notes, pamphlets and scrapbooks 1989-1993 (MS 1951)
- Elizabeth North (d 2010), novelist and lecturer: manuscript drafts, revised typescripts, proofs, corresp and teaching materials 1980-2002 (MS 1903)
- Anthony Simon Thwaite (b 1930), writer and poet: draft manuscripts, revisions, proofs, personal and business corresp, invitations, flyers, programmes and photographs, incl material rel to Ann Thwaite 1960-2013 (SPCOLL/2014/78)
- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973), philologist and author: letters, poems and songs sent to Eric Valentine Gordon, with background information 1921-2003 (MS 1952)
- Enitharmon Press, London: additional records incl artworks, contracts, corresp, submissions, proofs and flyers 1995-2012 (SPCOLL/2014/85)
- Lipman-Miliband Trust, socialist research and education charity: records incl administrative papers and publications incl children's books 1996-2013 (MS 1908)
- Kevin Crossley-Holland (b 1941), translator, children's author and poet: additional draft and revised typescripts, proofs, cuttings, corresp, diaries, photographs and publications 2009-2013 (SPCOLL/2014/22, 104)
- Fighting Cock Press/Pennine Poets, Wakefield: additional corresp, papers, proofs and publications 1969-2014 (MS 1915)
- Barbara Taylor Bradford (b 1933), novelist: additional personal papers, tapes of dramatisations of her work, drafts and proofs of her novel 'Cavendon Hall' 1998-2014 (BC MS 20c Bradford/4-5)
- Sue Townsend (1946-2014), author: notes, draft works, and publicity materials rel to 'Adrian Mole: The Prostrate years' and 'The Woman who Went to Bed for a Year'; with film scripts, typescripts, diaries and corresp c1990-2014 (Acc 2014/10)
- William 'Willy' Russell (b 1947), playwright and musician: photographs from throughout career 1959-2012
- Barbara Strachey Halpern (b 1912), writer: additional papers, incl corresp with Wolf Halpern c1930-1949 (7BSH)
- Elizabeth Wilson (b 1936), feminist and writer, and Angela Mason (b 1944), feminist and activist: papers rel to feminist and LGBT campaigns c1970-1999 (7EAW)
- Libris, publishers, Faringdon: corresp and papers rel to editorial issues incl letters to and from authors and translators, with collected reviews to published books 1985-2013 (LIBRIS)
- Cyril Lionel Robert James (1901-1989), activist, writer and historian: corresp 1938-1957 (MS1210)
- Herbert Edward Palmer (1880-1961), poet and literary critic and Alan Denson (fl c1950-1995), bibliographer: records incl corresp, poems, photographs and autobiographical notes c1858-1995 (MS1202)
- Isabella Banks (1821-1897), novelist: letters (35) from various individuals (2014/22)
- Herbert Lomas (1924-2011), poet: records incl corresp, notebooks, diaries and photographs c1940-2011 (2014/03)
- Collection of letters (18) written by poets, novelists, playwrights and critics to members of the University of Manchester's English Society 1957-1962 (2014/48)
- John Vince (fl 1970-1999), author and illustrator: proofs c1970-1999 (DX 2107)
- Barry MacSweeney (1948-2000), poet: additional audio recordings of readings and interviews (8) 1985-1999 (BM)
- Colin Henry Wilson (1931-2013), philosopher, critic and novelist: manuscript of book published as 'Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals' with associated material, copy outline of a proposed novel 'The Ghost Detective', and copy proposal of a television series 'The Ghost Detective' c2005-2013 (CWP)
- Bernard family of Crowcombe: poetry miscellany 1764-1785 (10836)
- Brian Wilson Aldiss (b 1925), novelist: additional papers, mainly corresp with publishers and agents, some literary manuscripts, and corresp with Stanley Kubrick rel to 'Supertoys' and 'A.I.' c1950-2014 (9791)
- Alan Bennett (b 1934), author and playwright: additional papers incl literary drafts and scripts, family papers, photographs and juvenilia c1900-2014 (9733)
- Lesley Le Claire (fl c1950-2000), librarian, Worcester College: family and personal papers, with wartime letters of her mother and letters from Eric Sams c1939-2010 (Le Claire)
- Shiela Grant Duff (1913-2004), author and journalist: additional papers comprising family corresp and letters received c1914-2000 (10889)
- Evan Jones (b 1927), poet, playwright and screenwriter: literary papers, screenplays, corresp and audio-visual material c1950-2014 (9686)
- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973), philologist and author: papers rel to edition of Chaucer's prose and poetry, commissioned but never published c1920-1939 (MS.Tolkien A 39)
- Joanna Trollope (b 1943), novelist: engagement diaries 1981-2012 (Trollope)
- Corresp from artistic, literary and theatrical circles especially rel to Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, collected by Helen Allingham and Sarah Pirie c1850-1950 (9524)
- William Harold Ingrams (1897-1973), colonial administrator, author: additional corresp, papers and photographs rel to work in Zanzibar, Aden and the Gold Coast, research and draft publications, with some papers rel to his wife Doreen and her radio career c1912-1989 (0156)
- Hamish Macmillan Brown (b 1934), mountaineer and author: papers rel to hillwalking and other subjects c1950-2010 (ms38941)
- Dylan Thomas (1914-1953), poet and prose writer: notebook c1934 (2014/27)
- Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906-1989), author and dramatist: corresp with Henri and Josette Hayden 1947-1988 (IE TCD MS 11487)
- Padraic Fallon (1905-1974), poet: literary papers incl poems and criticism 1930-1970 (IE TCD MS 11479)
- Patrick Kavanagh (1905-1967), poet: personal and literary corresp, with death mask c1950-1967 (IE TCD MS 11480)
- John Sommerfield (1908-1991), writer and political activist: literary and personal papers, incl revised typescripts of unpublished work, with notebooks rel to time volunteering with the International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War and while on active service with the RAF during the Second World War c1936-1989 (MS873)
- Kevin Elyot (1951-2014), playwright and actor: records (2014/063)
- Malcolm Stanley Bradbury (1932-2000), author and academic: film, radio and television scripts incl papers rel to popular British crime drama series, with corresp, course administrative papers, and notes rel to work at University of East Anglia and other universities 1949-2006 (UEA/BRAD)
- Anthony Vivis (1943-2013), translator: English transcriptions of German plays 1965-2004 (LIT/TA/AV)
- Reginald John Clemo (1916-1994), poet: letters to Derek Savage 1953-1994 (MS 425)
- Ronald Frederick Henry Duncan (1914-1982), poet, playwright and librettist: typescript of 'A Sketch of TS Eliot' 1980 (MS 397 add 1)
- Sir William Gerald Golding (1911-1993), novelist: literary papers: manuscript and typescript drafts rel to his novels prior to 1989 20th cent (MS 429)
- John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and writer: papers rel to Powys and his family collected by the Powys Society 1890-1950 (MS 433)
- Henry Williamson (1895-1977), naturalist and author: letters to Ruth Tomalin and related papers 1952-1977 (MS 422)
- Myfanwy Thomas (1911-2005), writer, daughter of writers Helen and Edward Thomas: letter rel to study on Edward Thomas and recounting childhood memories about Arthur and Ivy Ransome, with photographs of Myfanwy Thomas and Roy Palmer, writer on folksong and folklore 2002 (G/05/14/1, G07/14/3)
- Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education: agenda, minutes and notes rel to the Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education Dymock Poets Archive and Study Centre Advisory Group 1996 (G/02/14/7)
- Taner Baybars (b 1936), author: additional papers incl travel notebooks, photographs, drawings and press cuttings 20th cent (MS 5532)
- Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906-1989), author and dramatist: additional papers incl production design material for Waiting for Godot set by Peter Snow (1955), theatre memorabilia, corresp, notes by Katharine Worth, and recordings 20th cent (MS 5531)
- Ronald Costley (1939-2015), typographer and designer: administrative papers rel to work at Chatto & Windus c1930-1989 (MS 5540)
- Timothy John Rix (1934-2012), publisher: additional papers incl items rel to the history of Longman's and Book Marketing Ltd 20th cent (MS 5524)
- Robert Ferns Waller (1913-2005), ecologist and poet: typescript and manuscript drafts of poems, talks and essays c1940-1969 (MS 5535)
- Printing Historical Society: papers incl drafts of contributions and corresp with contributors 1992-2000 (MS 5523)