Spotlight On

Spotlight On is a series of video guides, each based on an individual collection held at The National Archives.

In each video, a specialist presenter introduces one of our collections and highlights a document from it connected to the history curriculum for Key Stage 3/4/5. Alongside each video, you can download an image of the featured document with a transcript and complete tasks connected to the content to support your studies in this area.

These guides are not just for students, teachers or researchers. We hope that anyone who wants to find out more about our exciting collections at The National Archives will enjoy them. There will be more to follow in the series as we ‘spotlight’ other records at The National Archives. 

Collections expert Dan Gosling records related to the Kings Bench trials of the Gordon Riots.

Collections expert Will Butler looks at Admiralty files about the 1982 Falklands Conflict.

Collections expert Philippa Hellawell looks at Treasury slavery registers from 1826.

Collections expert Kevin Searle looks at a Home Office inquiry into the 1981 Brixton riots.

Collections expert Elizabeth Haines looks at a Secret Service personal file on Rudolf Hess.

Collections expert Neil Johnson looks at documents relating to how Charles II secured his restoration to the throne.

Collections expert Mark Dunton looks at correspondence from the Prime Minister’s Office about the Suez Crisis.

Collections expert Daniel Gilfoyle looks at records related to the Baptist War from our Colonial Office collection.

Collections expert Will Butler looks at a report on the Berlin Airlift from our Air Ministry collection.

Collections expert Mark Dunton looks at a document relating to a cabinet meeting in 1981 during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher from our Cabinet Office collection.

Collections expert Juliette Desplat looks at records related to the Russian Revolution from our Foreign Office collection.

Collections expert Will Butler looks at a tanks manual from our War Office collection.

Collections expert Rose Mitchell looks at an example from our collection of maps.

Collections expert Jessica Nelson looks at Domesday Book in our Exchequer collection.

Collections expert Paul Dryburgh introduces the Chancery series and explores a Fine Roll of Henry III.

Collections expert Katherine Howells introduces two records from the copyright office collection.

Collections expert Christopher Day introduces two plans from the Office of Works collection.

Collections expert Sean Cunningham looks at a ballad relating to the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536-7.