Email retention policy at The National Archives

FOI request reference: CAS-168893-Y3W8L1
Publication date: February 2024


This is a Freedom of Information request. I would like to know what policies you have on deletion of messages in emails and any apps that are used by members of TNA staff.


Information provided.


We are pleased to be able to provide you with the following information:

All civil servants have an obligation to keep accurate official records under the Civil Service Code.

TNA is committed to managing its information across the whole lifecycle in the most effective and efficient way so that we can comply fully with relevant laws, regulations and policies including the Public Records Act 1958, The Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Data Protection Act 2018. In addition to compliance, good information management helps TNA achieve its business objectives through the proper safeguarding and effective sharing and re-use of our information assets.

TNA’s Corporate Information Management Policy specifies all ‘sent’ emails over 12 months old, and all calendar items over 24 months old, will be automatically deleted from the email system: this is to ensure overall data volume is kept manageable.

Any emails which need to be kept for long term business use or for accountability purposes should be stored in the relevant part of the document management system. Staff must delete any emails not needed for long term retention, or not required in email system for short term business use.

For further information on our email management policy and guidance on auto-deletion of emails, see our website: Managing emails – The National Archives

Our standard retention policies also apply to the use of messaging applications. The messaging system chat retention period is currently only documented in draft documents, but is 30 days.