Architecture of The National Archives

FOI request reference: CAS-132295-T8D0J6
Publication date: July 2023


I’m doing a case study and I was wondering if you could give me some information about the architectural overview of the TNA archive building.
I would like to know the year of construction, size and number of floors, land area, building area, gross floor area, etc. Also, I would like to know if there is a web address where I can find related information or if you can share the information file.


Information Provided.


The National Archives site measures 4.9 hectares and the building has a footprint of 16,200 square metres. The building was constructed in two stages: the original building (which is referred to as Q1) was opened in 1977, the new extension (Q2) was opened in 1995. Both buildings have a basement level, and each has five above ground levels. In Q2 the fourth floor is used for plantrooms.

The Net Internal Area of the building is 65000 square metres, split approximately 50:50 between Q1 and Q2.

TNA does not have a web address which holds information specifically relating to the architectural overview of our site and building. However, you may find the following of use:
The National Archives, Kew by AOC
Designing The National Archives – The National Archives blog
Happy birthday to us! – The National Archives blog