Catalogue description Brockbank and Tyson, solicitors of Whitehaven

This record is held by Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Whitehaven

Details of D/BT
Reference: D/BT
Title: Brockbank and Tyson, solicitors of Whitehaven

Firms' own records


DBT 1 Letter books


DBT 1/1 - 6 JR Musgrave 1894 - 1901


DBT 1/7 - 31 Musgrave & McKelvie (two series) 1902 - 1908, 1913 - 1924


DBT 1/32 - 34 GL McKelvie 1895 - 1914


DBT 1/35 - 51 Atkinson & Bennett 1900 - 1913


DBT 1/52 - 90 Atkinson, Bennett & McKelvie 1913 - 1930


DBT 1/91 - 126 Atkinson, McKelvie & Tyson 1930 - 1940


DBT 1/127 - 175 JG Tyson 1940 - 1949


DBT 1/176 - 177 JL Paitson 1900 - 1907


DBT 1/178 JC Todd 1896 - 1929


DBT 2 Financial records


DBT 2/1 - 25 Bill books 1870 - 1947


DBT 2/26 - 32 Ledgers 1876 - 1912


DBT 2/33 - 56 Day books 1884 - 1920


DBT 2/57 - 82 Cash books 1887 - 1923


DBT 2/83 - 85 Bills of costs 1886 - 1932


DBT 3 Other records


DBT 3/1 - 22 Includes call books 1848 - 1950


DBT 4 The firm as insurance agent


DBT 4/1 - 6 Mainly financial papers 1903 - 1940


DBT 5 Solicitors' personal and family records


DBT 5/1 - 22 John Musgrave of Wasdale Hall 1829 - 1912


DBT 5/23 - 56 Estate of John Musgrave deceased 1878 - 1925


DBT 5/57 - 78 Estate of Mrs Catherine Musgrave deceased 1815 - 1931


DBT 5/79 - 81 Gyllenoreutz family 1892 - 1929


DBT 5/82 - 90 John Raven Musgrave 1857 - 1934


DBT 5/91 - 123 Lowndes family 1874 - 1903


DBT 5/124 - 128 Musgrave family 1884 - 1922


DBT 5/129 - 130 Henry Atkinson 1811 - 1872


DBT 5/131 - 132 William Henry Atkinson 1874 - 1896


DBT 5/133 - 137 Estate of WH Atkinson deceased 1911 - 1918


DBT 5/138 - 139 John McKelvie 1872 - 1924


DBT 5/140 - 147 George Lockhart McKelvie 1829 - 1941


DBT 5/148 - 154 John Lawrence Paitson 1880 - 1928


DBT 5/155 - 164 Mrs Annie Paitson 1885 - 1923


Clients' records


DBT 6 Estates of deceased 1707 - 1952


DBT 7 Railway companies


DBT 7/1 - 2 Caledonian Railway 1871 - 1882


DBT 7/3 - 16 Cleator & Furness Railway 1867 - 1872


DBT 7/17 - 40 Cleator & Workington Junction Railway 1875 - 1884


DBT 7/40A - 44 Furness Railway 1845 - 1878


DBT 7/45 - 127 London North Western Railway 1846 - 1913


DBT 7/128 - 136 Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway 1872 - 1918


DBT 7/137 - 140 Rowrah and Kelton Fell Mineral Railway 1873 - 1877


DBT 7/141 Solway Junction Railway 1866 - 1874


DBT 7/142 - 144 Ulverston, Furness, Lancaster & Carlisle Railway 1841 - 1851


DBT 7/145 - 378 Whitehaven, Cleator & Egremont Railway 1853 - 1905


DBT 7/379 - 397 Whitehaven, Cleator & Egremont and Furness Railways 1867 - 1891


DBT 7/398 - 499 Whitehaven & Furness Junction Railway 1845 - 1914


DBT 7/500 - 511 Various railway companies 1844 - 1904


DBT 8 Clients 1637 - 1951


DBT 9 Lawsuits incl. Brocklebank v. Thompson 1802 - 1937


DBT 10 Deeds


DBT 10/1 - 201 Title deeds 1571 - 1938


DBT 10/202 - 211 Title deeds: minerals 1836 - 1911


DBT 10/212 - 258 Marriage and other family settlements 1786 - 1922


DBT 10/259 - 276 Deeds 1783 - 1918


DBT 11 Business records 1790 - 1941


DBT 12 Conveyancing, Mortgaging and leasing


DBT 12/1 - 104 Conveyancing 1707 - 1964


DBT 12/105 - 140 Mortgaging 1830 - 1929


DBT 12/141 - 166 Leasing 1877 - 1945


DBT 13 Rev. Andrew Hudleston and family


DBT 13/1 Gilpin family of Scaleby Castle 1702 - 1737


DBT 13/2 - 3 Robert Watter(s) of Whitehaven 1777 - 1778


DBT 13/4 - 6 Mr & Mrs William Shammon of Whitehaven 1761 - 1808


DBT 13/7 - 17 Rev. Wilfrid Hudleston 1770 - 1829


DBT 13/18 - 48 Title and other deeds 1611 - 1865


DBT 13/49 - 77 Rev. Andrew Hudleston 1731 - 1851


DBT 13/78 - 91 Estate of Rev. Andrew Hudleston deceased 1802 - 1890


DBT 13/92 - 105 Various members of the Hudleston family 1610 - 1908


DBT 14 Insurance


DBT 14/1 - 28 Persons 1865 - 1936


DBT 14/29 - 39 Property 1842 - 1939


DBT 14/40 - 43 Various 1905 - 1941


DBT 15 Financial records


DBT 15/1 - 6 Land values 1910 - 1915


DBT 15/7 - 12 J Tyson, house, estate and insurance agent of Whitehaven 1909 - 1917


DBT 15/13 - 16 Shares and investments 1859 - 1930


DBT 15/17 - 32 Cash books, vouchers, accounts, income tax etc. 1799 - 1948


DBT 16 Bankruptcy 1828 - 1931


DBT 17 Enclosure 1808 - c.1900


DBT 18 Elections 1873 - 1910


DBT 19 Mining 1871 - 1941


DBT 20 Wilson's Charity for Poor Sailors 1778 - 1934


DBT 21 Whitehaven 1836 - 1942


DBT 22 Whitehaven Incorporated Law Society 1894 - 1941


DBT 23 St John's parish church, Hensingham 1809 - 1953


DBT 24 Printed books, Acts of Parliament and Newspapers


DBT 24/1 - 13 Printed books 1852 - 1921


DBT 24/14 - 18 Acts of Parliament 1788 - 1903


DBT 24/19 - 23 Newspapers 1842 - 1938


DBT 25 Photographs n.d. 1927


DBT 26 Miscellaneous 1638 - 1960


DBT 27 Boxed sale particulars and plans


DBT 27/1 - 10 Sale particulars 1805 - 1938




DBT 27/11 - 23 Estates 1763 - 1920


DBT 27/24 - 28 Minerals 1874 - 1908


DBT 27/29 - 32 Railways 1850 - 1877


DBT 28 Rolled plans


DBT 28/1 - 3 Docks and harbours 1854, c.1873


DBT 28/4 - 24 Estates 1786 - c.1970


DBT 28/25 - 56 Minerals 1864 - 1935


DBT 28/57 - 67 Railways 1843 - 1876


DBT 28/68 Roads n.d. late C19th


DBT 28/69 Miscellaneous n.d.


DBT/A Additional records


DBT/A/1 - 4 Firms' own records 1884 - 1937


DBT/A/5 - 6 Firm as insurance agent 1887 - 1927


DBT/A/7 - 16 Solicitors' family and personal records 1864 - 1921


DBT/A/17 - 34 Estates of deceased 1837 - 1846


DBT/A/35 - 38 Clients 1871 - 1917


DBT/A/39 Lawsuits 1903, 1907


DBT/A/40 - 53 Deeds 1671 - 1941


DBT/A/54 - 55 Business records 1903 - 1941

Date: 1571 - 1964
Held by: Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Whitehaven, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Brockbank and Tyson, Whitehaven, solicitors

Physical description: 32 Series
Immediate source of acquisition:

Deposited by JM Todd, P.O. Box No. 1, Whitehaven: May 1973

  • Whitehaven, Cumbria
Link to NRA Record:

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