Catalogue description Assignment of leases for £400

This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)

Details of FRE/502
Reference: FRE/502
Title: Assignment of leases for £400

Richard Jones of Putney, Surrey, esq to John Turner of London, merchant


1 Property as in FRE/501


2 Messuage with the outhouses, backsides and yards, courts, garden and orchard land in the town of Putney, abutting on the one side to a tenement held by Lady Ruse and an orchard occupied by Mr Lyte, and on the other side onto a common way leading to the common field and late in the occupation of Mayor Coulsonn and near to the waterside; 1 farndle of ground lying outside and ranging with the orchard wall open to the road leading to the aforesaid field


Recites leases for 21 and 30 years respectively of the two properties from William Wymansold to Jones and he assigns the properties to Frewen for the remainders of the two terms

Date: 25 Mar 1657
Held by: East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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