Catalogue description Business Records (mostly financial) of Charles Moore and Sons, music shop, South Wigston, 1912-1972

This record is held by Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, Record Office for

Details of DE 3162
Reference: DE 3162
Title: Business Records (mostly financial) of Charles Moore and Sons, music shop, South Wigston, 1912-1972
Date: 1912 - 1972
Held by: Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, Record Office for, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Charles Moore and Sons, music shop, South Wigston, Leicestershire

Physical description: 54 Files
Access conditions:

N.B. Owner's permission required before records which are less than 30 years old can be consulted.

Immediate source of acquisition:

Deposited on indefinite loan, 12 June 1987

Administrative / biographical background:

In 1912, Charles Moore established his music business at 46 Station Road, Wigston. One year later the business was moved to 56 Blaby Road, South Wigston and by 1920 was firmly established at No. 117 Blaby Road, where it remained until the shop was sold at the end of 1972. Initially the shop sold pianos, organs and other musical instruments; gramaphones and sheet music. In 1922 the shop began to sell radios and in later years, due to the slump in demand for musical instruments, sold televisions and other electrical goods.

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