The team responsible for digital records will need to identify the relevant records and information at the outset, including those stored on:
- electronic documents and records management systems (EDRMS)
- business systems (such as HR systems, case management systems)
- websites and intranets
- collaboration systems
- shared drives
- personal drives and hard drives
- email systems
- CDs or other removable storage devices
- social media sites maintained by the business unit
- externally hosted information (with particular consideration for access, such as passwords and contracts with third party providers)
- structured data (datasets, GSI systems)
Select records and information for transfer based on their business need, current and future business value, as well as potential historical value. Ensure close consultation with business units when making decisions about which records and information are transferred. Use What to Keep schedules, Appraisal Reports and Operational Selection Policies to help select the relevant records.