How to look for records of... Coroners’ inquests

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How many are online?

  • None

This is a brief guide to help you with your research into coroners’ inquests. The majority of post mid-18th century records of inquests are held at local archives and not The National Archives. Records of deaths less than 75 years old may be retained by the coroner’s office.

What do I need to know before I start?

Coroners’ inquests are held in cases of sudden, unexplained or suspicious deaths. Inquests are held in the district where the death occurred.
The National Archives holds many records relating to medieval and early modern coroners’ inquests but the majority of surviving modern records of inquests are not here.

For modern inquests you should try to find out:

  • the date the coroners’ inquest took place
  • the county in which the inquest took place

Begin your search for records at the local or county archives for the place where the inquest would have been held.

From 1752 to 1860, coroners were required to file their inquests at the Quarter Sessions, and so they may be preserved among the records of Quarter Sessions, at local or county record offices.

Newspapers may have reported on inquests and local newspaper collections in libraries or online may be a good source of information.

If the inquest resulted in a trial for manslaughter or murder, or was before the mid-18th century, see the instructions below on searching for records at The National Archives.

Records available at The National Archives in Kew

Most coroners’ inquests at the National Archives will be found among the records of the Court of King’s Bench or in assizes records.

It was common practice from 1487 to 1752 for coroners to hand over records of all their inquests to assize judges. Those which resulted in verdicts of murder or manslaughter (including many that would now be regarded as misadventure) are normally found in the indictments or depositions files of the relevant assizes circuit.

The assizes judges then returned the remainder to the Court of King’s Bench. These records were subsequently transferred to The National Archives among King’s bench records.

Records of coroners’ inquests may be found at The National Archives if

·        prior to 1752 they were routinely filed with the Court of King’s Bench

·        they survive as part of a trial at the assizes for manslaughter or murder

·        they are among the records of other courts, such as palatinate courts

Records are not available online and you will need to visit The National Archives at Kew to see them.

It is likely to be easier to find information reported in newspapers than original inquests among court records.

King’s Bench records, before 1752

Coroners’ inquisitions for all counties except London and Middlesex are filed with the “out-county indictments” in KB 11.

As London and Middlesex were anomalous jurisdictions without assize courts, their inquisitions were not treated in the same way. Look in KB 10 for any inquests which may be found among the London and Middlesex indictments.

Coroners’ inquisitions are also in KB 13 and KB 140. They include a significant number of items from the mid to late 18th century, although the practice of forwarding all inquisitions to the King’s Bench appears to have fallen into disuse in the early 18th century.

Inquisitions on prisoners who died in the King’s Bench prison are in KB 14.

Browse other indictment files which may contain inquests in KB 9,  KB 12 and KB 13.

Trial records: Assize court files, 1554–1971

Refer to the research guide Criminal trials in the assize courts 1559–1971 to find out what records may survive and how to search for them.

It is possible to find inquests related to murder and manslaughter cases and returns from coroners for accidental deaths among the indictment records, miscellanea or depositions.

From 1972 Crown Courts replaced the assize courts. Modern coroners’ records, if they survive, are more likely to be found in the coroner’s office.

Coroners’ records from other courts, 1339–1896

Browse coroners’ records collected by other courts, such as the Palatinates of Lancaster, Chester and Durham, or the High Court of Admiralty.

Palatinate of Chester CHES 18CHES17/13
Duchy of Lancaster DL 46
Palatinate of Lancaster PL 26/285–295
Assizes: North and South Wales Circuit, Chester and North Wales Division ASSI 66
Assizes: Northern and North-Eastern Circuit ASSI 47/24–73
Millbank Prison, Middlesex: register of deaths and inquests PCOM 2/165
Chancery Files, Tower and Rolls Chapel Series, Recorda C 260
High Court of Admiralty HCA 1

Rolls and files, 1128–1426

Browse Discovery, our catalogue, for entries of inquests from coroners who presented their rolls to the court of the King’s Bench in JUST 1JUST 2 and JUST 3.

Records in other archives and organisations

Records held elsewhere

Survival of records and their contents vary greatly, many are little more than expenses of inquests. Quarter sessions records are held at local or county archives.

Local coroners’ offices

Collections of records from local coroners and their locations can be found by searching our catalogue, Discovery, using the Search for record creators tab in advanced search. Enter coroner as a search term and the county, as in this search for coroner and Essex.

Other resources


Locate newspapers held at local libraries or the British Library Newspaper Collections which may provide details of an unexpected, sudden or suspicious death. From the 19th century onwards, a newspaper report may be the only surviving account.


Search The National Archives’ shop to see whether any of the publications below may be available to buy. Alternatively, look in The National Archives’ library catalogue to see what is available to consult at Kew.

J Gibson and C Rogers, ‘Coroners’ records in England and Wales’ (The Family History Partnership, 2009)

R F Hunnisett, ‘The medieval coroner’ (Cambridge, 1961)