Film projects

Are you interested in History, animation, art, meeting new people, being creative, learning new skills? We will be running our next exciting film project, ‘Great Escapes,’ from Monday 5 August to Friday 9 August 2024, and we have places for 12 enthusiastic young people (aged 16-19 years) to take part.

In summer 2022, the Education and Outreach department worked with a group of young people onsite at The National Archives, to make their own short films.

This year’s project will explore ‘Rebels in the records’ – stories of people/groups who have stood up for what they believe in, campaigned for change or lived in a way that was different to their contemporary society.

In 2020, we took the filmmaking online, challenging students to contribute from home!

Our film project ‘Mental Health on Record’ ran from Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August 2019 with a group of enthusiastic young people (aged 16-19 years).

We ran our exciting film project, 'Holding History', from Monday 30 July to Friday 3 August 2018, with a group of enthusiastic young people (aged 16-19 years).

From 31 July to 4 August 2017, The National Archives ran an exciting new film project for 16-19 year olds with film-maker Nigel Kellaway.

In 2016, a group of students aged 16 to 19 joined us to create a stop-motion animation film telling the stories of those who experienced the Battle of the Somme.