Letter from M L Steward against the dangers of forcible feeding, 7 April 1912 (Catalogue ref: HO144/1194/220196)
Graham House
April 16. 1912
To the Right Honble [sic] Reginald McKenna, M.P.
May I ask that you will give expression to the strong feeling that exists all over the country against the forcible feeding of women in prison & order its immediate cessation.
The need for it arises because of the denial of the few privileges granted by your predecessors & which are accorded in every civilized country in the world to political prisoners whatever they have done.
Unless these women are treated as political prisoners their terrible mea[l?] protest must go on, & lives will be lost to the everlasting disgrace of the Government of England. It is torture that is being inflicted & I call upon [you] in the name of humanity & common justice to set the matter right immediately.
Yours faithfully
M. L. Steward