Document (a) about seafarer Hassan Khan.
NATIONALITY AND NATURALISATION (including Certificates of British Origin): Special Certificates of Nationality (Coloured Seamen): Hassan Khan or Calandar Khan. 1933-1934. Catalogue ref: HO 45/15863.
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Declaration to be made by a coloured Seaman claiming to be a British Subject or British Protected Person from India or a British Subject from the Settlement of Aden and applying for a Special Certificate of Nationality.
Fill in date: 19th June 1933
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a _____________________
*Insert “British Subject” or, if a subject of an Indian State, “British Protected Person.”
and apply for a Special Certificate of Nationality.
I declare that the particulars furnished below are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature (if able to write in English characters) and left thumb print. Note – the thumb should be lightly inked and lightly pressed on the paper.
(Heavy pressure must be avoided.)
Full name in BLOCK Letters: HASSAN KHAN
Present Address: 33 Ainsworth Street, Liverpool
Age and Date of Birth: Age: 46 Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: Village: Campbelpore Post Office:
Police Station: All Campbelpore, Punjab
District: Campbelpore Province
Home Address (in full): Kotara (Punjab)
Father’s Name and Address (state both in full): Name: Ahmed Khan
Address: Nil
Race ad Caste or Tribe and Sub-Tribe: Mahommedan
Build and Height in Boots: Build: Stout Height: 5ft 8 ins
Colour of Eyes: Brown
Colour of Hair: Black
All Distinctive Marks (including scars, deformities, tattoo, birth-marks &c): Scar near to nose
Names and Addresses (in full) of any persons in India or Aden who can verify the above statements: 1. Samadur Khan Kotari, Khan Kotari, India
Number of Seaman’s Discharge Book: Nil
Particulars of any previous Passport or Identity Certificate (if none, say none): Yes, but have lost passport
Photographs: Two copies (Passport size) must be attached.
After completion, this form should be handed by the applicant in person to the Office of the High Commissioner for India, India House, Aldwych, W.C.2, or, in the case of an applicant not in London, to the nearest Lascar Transfer Officer or Superintendent, Mercantile Marine Office.