Naval defence

Letter from the Admiralty Office, London, to the Duke of Newcastle providing naval instructions, 2 October 1745 (SP 42/29/82).


[Admiralty] Office 2nd October 1745

My Lord,

The City of Edinburgh being in possession of the Rebels, we have judged it for his majesty’s service, in case any other Sea Port Towns should undergo the same. Fate, to issue orders to the Captains of His Majesty’s Frigates and Sloops cruizing on the Coasts of Scotland, how to govern themselves in case of meeting with any ships or vessels belonging to His Majestys Subjects or Foreigners, bound to any such ports, Copy of which we send herewith to Your Grace, and humbly hope the same will meet with His Majesty’s Approbation; and, in such case; we desire Your Grace will be pleased to cause Orders to be sent to the Custom House Officers at the Sea Ports on the Northern Coast of England, for their Government in Conformity to the said orders. We are

My Lord

Your Graces

most humble Servants

(Lord) Archibald Hamilton (a Lord of the Admiralty)

Admiral Vere Beauclerk (1st Baron Vere)

Henry Bilson Legge (a Lord of the Admiralty)

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