
Lesson at a glance

Suitable for: Key stage 2

Time period: Early 20th Century 1901-1918

Curriculum topics: The First World War

Suggested inquiry questions: What is this curious object?

Potential activities: Follow the activities in the videos. Design your own cipher. Try out our activity pack.

What is this curious object?

This is one of the most unusual documents at The National Archives. Can you work out what it is and why we have it?


Part One

Look carefully at the mystery document and think about what you can see. You might have printed it out so you can circle things you see. Or you can write or draw your ideas.

Part Two

Well done for managing to spot so many details.

Now have a go at answering these questions and click on Part Three when you are ready:

  • How old is this document?
  • Why do we keep it at The National Archives?

Part Three

Well done for discovering so much about this document!

Have a go at our other document investigations and craft activity.

Additional documents to investigate:

  • Cipher Wheel
  • Vaccum Cleaner

Follow-up activities:

  1. Design your own secret code (either use symbols or numbers). You could present it like a table or try out a cipher wheel! Then:
    • Write your name using your code
    • Write a secret message hidden in a boring letter for someone in your household and get them to crack it.
  2. Have a go at our activity pack. It involves using a very old set of symbols used by Mary Queen of Scots…

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Lesson at a glance

Suitable for: Key stage 2

Time period: Early 20th Century 1901-1918

Curriculum topics: The First World War

Suggested inquiry questions: What is this curious object?

Potential activities: Follow the activities in the videos. Design your own cipher. Try out our activity pack.

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