Account of Agincourt – page 1

A brief narrative of the battle of Agincourt most likely copied from the 16th century chronicle written by Raphael Holinshed. The account formed part of a late 16th century draft treatise on military strategy, tactics and leadership that drew on various examples and knowledge from medieval and antiquarian sources.

Catalogue reference: SP 9/36

See page two and page three of this account.


King Hen(ry) Vth Battaill of Agencourt

The English Battail and the French

Being both sett in a redines to fight ye battail

The constable of France encouraged

his Frenchmen with an eloquent oratie

valliantly to fight for ye honor of France

King Henry yr fifte likewise did sooe

Now King Henry had placed 200 arch-

ers privilely in a lon medow neer

unto ye forward of the French army

but yet separate wth a great dich: and

they whar commanded to keep close till

they had a token given them to shoote.

Besides his vantgard was led by ye duk

Of Yorke & all they wear archers:

The Battail or midlegard was led by

The kinge, all of armed billmen:

The Duke of Exeter led ye rereward

And they were mixte Billmen & archers

The horsemen like wings went on eth-

er side the battail: yet ye kings battels

being weake in comparison of ye French

he feared lest ye Frenchmen would com-

passe him a boute hath therfor caused

stakes bound wt iron sharp at both

endes of ye length of v or vi foote to

be pitche before the archers to ye ende

that if the Barbed horses ran rashly on

them they might be gored in thir belys

and appointed certain persons to remov

the stakes as occation should serv ye archers 

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