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You can keep up to date with the education department by following our social media channels. Please encourage your students to follow us and use our Pinboards and images.


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Find out more about what the Education team are up to on The National Archives’ blog.

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Our educational podcasts and videos feature a mix of lectures from top academics specifically aimed at pupils, alongside radio-style investigations of historical topics.


This site showcases:


Our Education Web officer @UKNatArcEdu tweets ideas and inspiration directly from the department, and you can use the hashtag  #TNALearning to join the discussion.

The @ukwarcabinet project tweets the Second World War in real time, using original cabinet papers to follow the progress of the war from the heart of government. The project began in January 2010 with 1 January 1940. It’s currently run by a small group of experts from The National Archives.


We’ve produced the following Pinterest boards to accompany some of our resources:

Follow The National Archives on Pinterest to keep up to date.


We have a selection of videos taken from our online resources on YouTube. Discover The National Archives’ Education Service on YouTube.

You can also find our Time Travel Club on YouTube in our Time Travel TV Series and our Time Travel Tots Storytelling videos.


We believe that Wikipedia (and other projects from the Wikimedia Foundation such as Wiki Commons and Wikisource) can be an invaluable source for students – as long as it is not the only one they use!

We are working on a number of projects with Wikimedia UK to enhance Wikipedia’s coverage of our collections and of history in general. We have uploaded a collection of war art which can be freely reused and contains a large number of classic war time posters alongside portraits and other propaganda.


The National Archives education service has its own Facebook page. ‘Like’ us to receive updates, keep in touch with the department and send us feedback.


We want to support your teaching and share our expertise on working with original documents in the classroom. If you have ideas you would like to pursue, or if you have used original documents with your students and would like to share your experiences, feel free to contact us.

Please do give us feedback, no matter how small, so that we can continue to improve our services.