Source 3b

Extract from ‘Interrogatories of Frances Carnero’, 1611-1613. Catalogue Ref: HCA 24/75


‘Interrogatories’ were written questions asked by one party in a legal case to which the defendant or a witness has to give written answers under oath.


Frances Carnero was Portuguese merchant who had been brought back from São Tomé (St. Thomas) Island in the Caribbean to London by a Captain John Moore. Moore was an English captain on the ship ‘The Archangel or The Little John of London’, who had also travelled to São Tomé.


Article or Interrogatories ministred [ministered, drawn up]

on the behalf of Frances Carnero

of Lisbon merchant now residing

in the citty of London as followeth


1 In Primis vizt [Firstly] that in the month of June or July 1609 the said Francis

Carnero did buy had and got in trade of

merchandize at a place called Angola in

Gwyny [unreadable] black moores [Black servants, enslaved African peoples] or negroes Et point [and put] [?]

[?] et de quality [just as] [Latin Legal Phrase]


2 Item that the said Frances Carnero did carry

and convey with his go in trade of merchandize

From Angola aforesaid vnto [unto] the Island of

Margarita in the West Indies and did

Take and carry with him to Margarita aforesaid

His said Moores et ponit vt supra [and put as above].


« Return to Tobacco
  • Where was Frances Carnero in 1609?
  • What does it suggest about the author’s attitude towards enslaved individuals?
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