Source 3

Extract from the Ordinances of Eltham, January 1526 (SP 2/B f230)


ITEM, it is ordeyned that fuch perfans as be appointed of the privy chamber, fhall be loving together, and of good unity and accord keeping fecret all fuch things as fhall be done or faid in the fame, without difclofeing any parte thereof to any perfon not being for the time prefent in the faid chamber, and that the King being abfent, without they be commanded to goe with his Grace, they fhall not onely give their continuall and diligent attendance in the faid chamber, but alfo leave harkening and enquiring where the King is or goeth, be it early or late, without grudgeing, mumbling, or talking of the King’s paftime; late or early going to bed

Simplified transcript

ITEM, it is ordained that such persons as be appointed to the privy chamber, shall be loving together, and of good unity and accord keeping secret all such things as shall be done or said in the same, without disclosing any part thereof to any person not being for the time present in the said chamber, and that the King being absent, without they be commanded to go with his Grace, they shall not only give their continual and diligent attendance in the said chamber, but also leave asking where the King is or is going, be it early or late, without grudging, mumbling, or talking of the King’s pastime; late or early going to bed

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3. This piece of the document deals with how the people who worked in the Privy Chamber should act.

  • What do you think is meant by the sentence ‘fhall be loving together, and of good unity and accord’?
  • Why do you think they were not allowed to talk about what happened in the chamber?
  • If you had to write a list of rules for the people who worked in the chamber, what would they be?