Source 1a

Extract from the Ordinances of Eltham, January 1526 (SP 2/B f219 and 220)


[it] is ordeyned, that from henceforth the pages of the Kings chamber fhall daily arife at feven of the clock, or foone after; making the fire and warneing the efquires for the body fembably to arife foone after that houre, foe as they may be ready in the King’s chamber, dreffed in all fuch things as appreteyneth, by eight of the clock at the furtheft. And moreover, that none of the fervants of the faid efquires for the body come within the pallet chamber, but be attendant at the doore of the fame, as well as pages, at the requeft and commandment of


the faid efquires, fetch in and beare out their night geere, and all other their apparel; and in like wife make them ready, as well at night as in the morning


Simplified transcript

[it] is ordered, that from now on the pages of the Kings chamber shall daily arise at seven of the clock, or soon after; making the fire and warning the esquires for the body similarly to arise soone after that hour, so as they may be ready in the King’s chamber, dressed in all such things as relate, by eight of the clock at the latest. And moreover, that none of the servants of the said esquires for the body come within the pallet chamber, but be attendant at the door of the same, as well as pages, at the request and commandment of


the said esquires, fetch in and bear out their night gear, and all other their clothing; and in the same way make them ready, as well at night as in the morning


« Return to Henry VIII court rules

1. This is an extract from the Ordinances of Eltham which sets out the start to the King’s day.

  • Write down what the pages and esquires did each morning
  • What did the gentlemen of the privy chamber have to do?
  • Who were the only people allowed to touch the King?
  • Why do you think this was?