Letter to the Director of Public Prosecutions from the Home Office, 15 October 1913 (HO 144/1255/234788)
15th October, 1913
With reference to the case of Lilian Lenton who was brought up at the Richmond (Surrey) Police Court on the 9th instant [dated this month] on a charge of arson and committed for trial, I am directed by the Secretary of State to inform you that he has today issued an Order under the Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for Ill-health) Act, for this prisoners temporary discharge until 20th instant.
I am to add that the Police have been instructed to make every effort to keep her under their supervision, but that, judging from past experience their task will be a difficult one.
I am Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
The Director of Public Prosecutions*
[*The officer who brings the case against a person who has been charged with committing a very serious crime, on behalf of the government]