Between 1086 and 1733, a variety of methods were used to date Latin documents. This page will give you a basic introduction to these methods.
We will look at
Remember that this is not a definitive guide.
If you would like to look at dating documents in more detail, ‘A Handbook of Dates: for students of British history’, C R Cheney and M Jones (eds) (Cambridge University Press, revd 2000) is the standard reference work.
When numbers are written in full, they are given in these forms.
Latin |
English |
Latin |
English |
unus, –a, –um |
one | primus, –a, –um |
first |
duo, due, duo |
two | secundus |
second |
tres, tria |
three | tertius |
third |
quattuor |
four | quartus |
fourth |
quinque |
five | quintus |
fifth |
sex |
six | sextus |
sixth |
septem |
seven | septimus |
seventh |
octo |
eight | octavus |
eighth |
novem |
nine | nonus |
ninth |
decem |
ten | decimus |
tenth |
undecim |
eleven | undecimus |
eleventh |
duodecim |
twelve | duodecimus |
twelfth |
tredecim |
thirteen | tertius decimus |
thirteenth |
quattuordecim |
fourteen | quartus decimus |
fourteenth |
quindecim |
fifteen | quintus decimus |
fifteenth |
sedecim |
sixteen | sextus decimus |
sixteenth |
septemdecim |
seventeen | septimus decimus |
seventeenth |
duodeviginti |
eighteen | duodevicesimus |
eighteenth |
undeviginti |
nineteen | undevicesimus |
nineteenth |
viginti |
twenty | vicesimus |
twentieth |
viginti unus |
twenty one | vicesimus primus |
twenty first |
viginti duo |
twenty two | vicesimus secundus |
twenty second |
viginti tres |
twenty three | vicesimus tertius |
twenty third |
viginti quartus |
twenty four | vicesimus quartus |
twenty fourth |
viginti quintus |
twenty five | vicesimus quintus |
twenty fifth |
viginti sex |
twenty six | vicesimus sextus |
twenty sixth |
viginti septem |
twenty seven | vicesimus septimus |
twenty seventh |
viginti octo |
twenty eight | vicesimus octavus |
twenty eighth |
viginti novem |
twenty nine | vicesimus nonus |
twenty ninth |
triginta |
thirty | tricesimus |
thirtieth |
quadraginta |
forty | quadragesimus |
fortieth |
quinquaginta |
fifty | quinquagesimus |
fiftieth |
sexaginta |
sixty | sexagesimus |
sixtieth |
septuaginta |
seventy | septuagesimus |
seventieth |
octoginta |
eighty | octogesimus |
eightieth |
nonaginta |
ninety | nonagesimus |
ninetieth |
centum |
one hundred | centesimus |
one hundreth |
centum et unus |
one hundred and one | centesimus primus |
one hundred and first |
ducenti, –ae, –a |
two hundred | ducentesimus |
two hundredth |
trecenti |
three hundred | trecentesimus |
three hundredth |
quadringenti |
four hundred | quadringentesimus |
four hundredth |
quingenti |
five hundred | quingentesimus |
five hundredth |
sescenti |
six hundred | sescentesimus |
six hundredth |
septingenti |
seven hundred | septingentesimus |
seven hundredth |
octingenti |
eight hundred | octingentesimus |
eight hundredth |
nongenti |
nine hundred | nongentesimus |
nine hundredth |
mille |
one thousand | millesimus |
thousanth |
Don’t feel that you have to learn them all at once.
If you know any French or Italian, can you see any similarities with the numbers in these languages?
Handy Hints
- Keep looking for patterns when you read through the numbers.If you understand how the words are made up, you are more likely to remember them.
- Can you see any similarities with English numbers or dates? For example
- September is our seventh month (septem means seven)
- The decimal system is based on units of ten (decem means ten)
Remember that a few numbers decline:
- unus, -a, -um
- duo, due, duo
- tres, tria
- ducenti, -ae, -a two hundred declines like novus, -a, -um
Dates are expressed using ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, rather than ‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’. These are always in the ablative case. Generally, the ‘us’ ending becomes an ‘o’.
secundo – on the second
centesimo primo die – on the hundred and first day
anno regni regis Johannis filii regis Henrici sexagesimo – in the sixtieth year of the reign of King John son of King Henry
anno domini millesimo ducentesimo quinto decimo – in the year of our Lord one thousand two hundred and fifteen (or, 1215 AD)
Roman numerals
Numbers were expressed in Roman numerals throughout the period covered by this tutorial.
Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc) were also used in England from the 16th century onwards.
In Latin documents, Roman numerals were often written in lower case, rather than in capital letters. If a number ended in an ‘i’, this was often written as a ‘j’.
Classic Roman numerals |
Roman numerals in medieval Latin documents |
I = 1 | i or j = 1 |
II = 2 | ii or ij = 2 |
IV = 4 | iiii or iiij = 4 (not usually iv) |
V = 5 | V or v = 5 |
X = 10 | X or x = 10 |
XL = 40 | xl = 40 A smaller numeral in front of a larger numeral indicates subtraction. |
L = 50 | l = 50 Don’t confuse this with ‘i’. |
LX = 60 | lx = 60 A larger numeral in front of a smaller numeral indicates addition. |
C = 100 | C = 100 |
D = 500 | D = 500 |
M = 1000 | M = 1000 |
Months of the year
menses anni |
mensis, -is (m.) month |
Latin word and English meaning |
‘month of …’ |
Januarius, -i (m.) January | mensis Januarii |
Februarius, -i (m.) February | mensis Februarii |
Martius, -i (m.) March | mensis Martii |
Aprilis, Aprilis (m.) April | mensis Aprilis |
Maius, -i (m.) May | mensis Maii |
Junius, -i (m.) June | mensis Junii |
Julius, -i (m.) July | mensis Julii |
Augustus, -i (m.) August | mensis Augusti |
September, Septembris (m.) September | mensis Septembris |
October, Octobris (m.) October | mensis Octobris |
November, Novembris (m.) November | mensis Novembris |
December, Decembris (m.) December | mensis Decembris |
decimo Januarii |
on the tenth of January |
tricesimo primo Decembris |
on the thirty first of December |
vicesimo octavo die mensis Augusti |
on the twenty eighth day of the month of August |
Days of the week
dies septimane |
septimana, -e (f.) week |
dies Lune |
Monday |
dies Martis |
Tuesday |
dies Mercurii |
Wednesday |
dies Iovis |
Thursday |
dies Veneris |
Friday |
dies Sabbati |
Saturday |
dies Dominica |
Sunday |
As medieval England was a Catholic country, a large number of religious feast days were celebrated. Many feasts related to a particular saint. These feasts were often used to date events.
For example, a charter might have been granted
in festo sancti Edwardi martiris – on the feast of Saint Edward the Martyr
- festum, -i (n.) feast
- martir, martiris (m.) martyr
- vigilia, -e (f.) eve
- crastinum, -i (n.) morrow
ad festum |
on the feast |
ante festum |
before the feast |
apud festum |
at the feast |
post festum |
after the feast |
For example
ad festum sancti Johannis baptiste |
at the feast of Saint John the Baptist |
apud festum beati Thome martiris |
at the feast of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr |
ante festum sancte Marie virginis |
before the feast of Saint Mary the Virgin |
- beatus, -a, -um (m.) blessed
- Thomas, -e (m.) Thomas
- virgo, virginis (f.) virgin
A list of the main feasts, with the calendar dates that they correspond to, is given in ‘A Handbook of Dates: for students of British history’, C R Cheney and M Jones (eds), (Cambridge University Press, revd 2000).
An octave is a period of eight days inclusive.
octaba, -e (f.) octave |
octava, -e (f.) octave |
You will often see this term used in dates.
For example
in octava festi sancti Michaelis – on the octave of the feast of Saint Michael
- Michael, Michaelis (m.) Michael
The table below shows you how to calculate the octave of Saint Michael. You can use the same principle to calculate the octave of any feast.
Feast |
Calendar date |
Day number |
Saint Michael | 29 September | 1 |
30 September | 2 | |
1 October | 3 | |
2 October | 4 | |
3 October | 5 | |
4 October | 6 | |
5 October | 7 | |
octave of the feast of Saint Michael | 6 October | 8 |