Starter source 2

John Blanke’s wage slip Catalogue ref: E 36/214 f.109.


Item to John blanke the blacke Trumpet for his moneth wages of Novembre last passed at viij d the day –

Item to Sir Rice ap Thomas’ servant that brought metheglee to the king for his reward xx s [20 shillings] and for the cariage of the same xx s [20 shillings]

Summa parles lx s. [60 shillings]

S[u]m totals of this wek aforesaid Lix li iiijs vijd[£59, 4 shillings, 7 pence]


  • What can you see? 
  • Do you think this is a modern document? Why/ why not? 
  • Can you make out any of the words? 
  • Who is John Blanke and what is his job? 
  • How much is he paid? 
  • Why do you think he has been described as ‘John Blanke the blacke’?  

Follow-on questions: 

  • John Blanke played at the royal court; what does this tell us about his ability as a musician? 
  • Why do you think reference has been made to the colour of Blanke’s skin? 
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