The Committee have had submitted to them the report of Mr. Andrew Doyle, Local Government Inspector, [Workhouse inspector] on the subject of emigration of pauper children to Canada, addressed to the President of the Local Government Board. This report, as appears from evidence submitted to the Committee, was transmitted to his Excellency the Governor General by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with a request that it should receive the particular attention of the Canadian Government.
Mr. Doyle’s report is adverse [against] to the work which has been performed by Miss Macpherson and Miss Rye, in bringing out pauper [workhouse children] and other children to settle among the population of Canada.
The Committee have heard the statements of Miss Macpherson and Miss Rye in rebuttal [rejection] of the allegations [charges] of Mr. Doyle, and they append them to this report. The statements made by these ladies are contradictory to those of Mr Doyle, and explanatory of their work.
Extracts from a Report of the Proceedings of the Committee of the House of Commons on Immigration and Colonisation, 1874 Catalogue ref: MH 32/20.
- Who is Andrew Doyle?
- What is the subject of his report?
- Who has received this report?
- What is the attitude of the Canadian Government to the findings of the report?