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*Details: File format summary



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Name ZFO (Form) File
Other names  
Identifiers MIME:  application/vnd.software602.filler.form-xml-zip
PUID:  fmt/1242
Classification Aggregate
Description ZFO file is a ZIP archive file containing the FO electronic form. The FO electronic form is a XML data file containing an electronic form intended for usage in the 602XML applications. The form is a composure of the layout structure using XSL-FO, data instance and data model using generic XML elements defined in the 602XML framework. The whole electronic form structure is always embedded into a digital signature represented by XML elements of the XML Signature standard. ZFO file can be password protected.
Byte order  
Related file formats None.
Technical Environment  
Supported until  
Format Risk  
Developed by None.
Supported by None.
Source The National Archives of the Czech Republic / The National Archives of the Czech Republic
Source date 18 Jan 2020
Source description This format can be identified via a container signature in DROID version 6 or later. The PRONOM database cannot currently represent container signatures.
Last updated 11 Oct 2022
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