Source 1 - MH32/84

Mitford and Launditch Union

A return of all female paupers of the age of 16 years and upwards in the workhouse on the sixth day of April 1861, classified according to character.

1. Total
2.    Single women pregnant with their first child 1 1
3.    Single women who have had one bastard child 5 5
4.    Single women who had had one bastard child and are pregnant again 4 4
5.    Single women who have had two bastard children 5 5
6.    Single women who have had three bastard children 3 3
7.    Single women who have had four or more bastard children 3 3
8.    Idiotic or weak-minded single women with one or more bastard children –
9.    Women whose out-relief has been taken off on account of misconduct –
10. Women incapable of getting their own living from syphillis –
11. Prostitutes –
12. Girls who have been out at service, but do not keep their places on account of misconduct 1 1
13. Girls brought up in the workhouse and who have been out at service, but have returned on account of misconduct 3 3
14. Widows who have had one of more bastard children during their widowhood 4 4
15. Married women with husbands in the workhouse 4 4
16. Married women with husbands transported or in gaol –
17. Married women deserted by their husbands 3 3
18. Imbecile, idiotic, or weak-minded women and girls 7 7
19. Respectable women and girls incapable of getting their living on account of illness or other bodily defect of infirmity 7 7
20. Respectable able-bodied women and girls 6 6
21. Respectable aged women 7 7

I certify the above return as correct
R. W. Scraggs
Master of the Workhouse

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