This poster is related to the letter- take note of the names against the repeal of the New Poor Law and compare to the author of the letter.
Archive reference: MH 12/15158/140, 4050/B/1842
Glorious defeat of the friends of the New Poor Law in the Keighley Union.
The Board of Guardians have this Day decided to Petition Parliament for the REPEAL of this unjust and tyrannical Law by a Majority of 10 to 5.
For the repeal.
W Busfeild Ferrand } Ex officio Guardians
Joseph Greenwood }
John Wright, Vice Chairman.
James Hulbert.
James Greenwood.
Isaac Skirrow Smith.
James Berwick.
George Feather.
Robert Murgatroyd.
Joseph Heaton.
Against the repeal.
William Ellis. } Ex officio Guardians.
Frederick Greenwood, }
Edwin Greenwood, }
Rodger Shackleton.
Samuel Smith.
Keighley, Feb 2nd, 1842.
J. & R. Aked, Printers and Stationers, Low-Street, Keighley.