Document Two - Poplar

Date of letter: 23 November 1888 




I think a copy of this may be sent to the Gns. for their Obsn. 

Dec 1 /88 BH 




Poplar Union Workhouse 

The 23 Novr. /88 

     Local Govt. Board 



I beg again to call your attention to our grevances in the Poplar Workhouse. 

1st To the sample of Potatoes (of which a specimen I forward on to you for your opinion) which is issued out to us. Many of which are rotten, & on stew-days after being boiled, peeled & ^are^ put in our stew 

  1. The meat which we are allowed on Soup days & Pie days; if sent in, seldom if ever issued or served up to us.
  2. To the beastly state of the clothes which are given to the men to put on at admission, dirty ragged & thread bare.
  3. Only two towels provided in the receiving ward for the use of perhaps from 24 to 40 new admissions after bathing.
  4. The continual bad cooking & no heed paid to the complaints – “Take it or leave it”, any thing is fit for such as you!
  5. The bread oft times deficit in Weight, issued out by the 5 or 4oz loaf, instead of ^by^ weight. 

These reports have been brought forward again & again, but no redress is given. The continua<tion> of the same old game “Cheating paupers of the ^our^ small allowance of their dietary”. 

Further, after giving 72 hours notice for discharge, a pauper cannot get out before 10 o’C to look for work. Sundays are not counted in the 3 days, but have to go 96 hours or a day more – How can men look for a job of Work when a good ½ of the day is gone; this gives him no opportunity of getting Work? if it was 7 o’C it might enable him. In conclusion, I trust that our complaints will be looked into by you, for the Guardians are in the majority led ^to believe paupers complaints exaggerated^ by a not over-scrupulous Master to his own interests, or whims – 

I remain 


       Your Obt. Humble Servant 

J.W. Monleynes 



Grievances = a cause for complaint e.g. bad treatment 

Seldom = not often/ common  

Deficit = quantity is too small  

Redress = set right the complaints made 

Over-scrupulous = over-careful and extremely attentive to detail  

Whims = a sudden change in mind  

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