Date of letter: 23 November 1888
I think a copy of this may be sent to the Gns. for their Obsn.
Dec 1 /88 BH
Poplar Union Workhouse
The 23 Novr. /88
Local Govt. Board
I beg again to call your attention to our grevances in the Poplar Workhouse.
1st To the sample of Potatoes (of which a specimen I forward on to you for your opinion) which is issued out to us. Many of which are rotten, & on stew-days after being boiled, peeled & ^are^ put in our stew
- The meat which we are allowed on Soup days & Pie days; if sent in, seldom if ever issued or served up to us.
- To the beastly state of the clothes which are given to the men to put on at admission, dirty ragged & thread bare.
- Only two towels provided in the receiving ward for the use of perhaps from 24 to 40 new admissions after bathing.
- The continual bad cooking & no heed paid to the complaints – “Take it or leave it”, any thing is fit for such as you!
- The bread oft times deficit in Weight, issued out by the 5 or 4oz loaf, instead of ^by^ weight.
These reports have been brought forward again & again, but no redress is given. The continua<tion> of the same old game “Cheating paupers of the ^our^ small allowance of their dietary”.
Further, after giving 72 hours notice for discharge, a pauper cannot get out before 10 o’C to look for work. Sundays are not counted in the 3 days, but have to go 96 hours or a day more – How can men look for a job of Work when a good ½ of the day is gone; this gives him no opportunity of getting Work? if it was 7 o’C it might enable him. In conclusion, I trust that our complaints will be looked into by you, for the Guardians are in the majority led ^to believe paupers complaints exaggerated^ by a not over-scrupulous Master to his own interests, or whims –
I remain
Your Obt. Humble Servant
J.W. Monleynes
Grievances = a cause for complaint e.g. bad treatment
Seldom = not often/ common
Deficit = quantity is too small
Redress = set right the complaints made
Over-scrupulous = over-careful and extremely attentive to detail
Whims = a sudden change in mind