Shortage of medical officers

A letter from the General Board Health to the Home Secretary, Sir George Grey, 2nd Baronet, M.P. The Board explain they do not have enough staff to provide medical assistance in places affected by cholera, 24 July, 1849, Catalogue ref: HO 45/2545

This gives some insight into the role of the Board of Health and the severity of the cholera outbreak in 1849.


The General Board of Health,

Gwydye House,


July 24, 1849


I am directed by the General Board of Health to state for your information in reference to various communications transmitted by you to the Board on the subject of furnishing Medical Assistance to places affected or threatened with Cholera, that in consequence of the very extensive prevalence of the Disease at the present moment, the Medical Staff at the disposal of the Board is insufficient to meet all the demands upon their attention, and they have thought it necessary in some instances to apply to the Poor Law Board to send their Inspectors to aid the Parochial Officers in the organisation of the necessary measures of prevention.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient servant,

Alex Bain

Assistant Secretary,


The Right Honourable

Sir George Grey, Baronet, M.P.

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