Case against the Communist Party (ii)

Letter concerning case for prosecution brought to Home Secretary by the Police Commissioner against ‘the Communist Party’, 9 October 1926 (Catalogue ref: DPP 1/118)

Review of the Communist training booklet in ‘the Daily Worker’ (Catalogue ref: DPP 1/118)



8th October, 1926


I enclose for the information of the Secretary of State:-

  1. A copy of a publication issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain entitled ‘Elementary Course of Communist Training’.
  2. An advertisement which appeared in the Workers Weekly of the 1st October last.
  3. An article which appeared in the same edition of the Workers Weekly.

I consider that this publication is highly seditious in intention and in fact. I am strongly of the opinion that the Attorney General should be moved to proceed against the responsible officials of the Communist Party of Great Britain. I am securing another copy which I am submitting to the Director of Public Prosecutions for his information.

I would observe that I consider that a ‘training manual’ of this description which so clearly defines the revolutionary and solely revolutionary objective of the Communist Party and which is intended as shown on page 5 to be a “means of providing training in the emergency created by the extraordinary increase of new recruits” but only elementary (sic) is much more dangerous publication than transient articles which appear from time to time in other publications(s) of the Communist Party of Great Britain. You will notice the review of this publication in the annexure 3 and the admonitions therein contained to “carry it in your pocket and have it always in your mind”.

I would emphasize that coming so close upon the recent release from prison of the convicted members of the Communist Party of Great Britain, I view this publication as a deliberate and direct challenge to constitutional government.

I am Sir,

Your obedient servant


W.H. (signed)

Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis





Elementary Course of Communist Party Training (3d. The C.P., 16 King St., W.C.2.)

The unprecedented increase in membership of the Communist Party and the eagerness of new members to get party training, quickly drained every syllabus on training from headquarters.

A new syllabus was needed at once and in thousands of copies. But this meant time, and time was too precious to use. The Agit. Prop. Department of the C.P has therefore prepared this Elementary Course of Communist Party Training.

There are Hints to Group Leaders to serve as a guide to the methods of tuition and in the general direction of the group.

There is an explanation of the terms and definitions currently used in Party and propaganda work-a most helpful and necessary section.

There is also an outline for an elementary course of Party training (priced from 1d. to 6d.) of use in this connection; and a lesson the Party and the Trade Unions.

Not a word in the pamphlet is wasted. It forms an outline of Party thought and work, to which details can be added by reading and argument.

It is the valuable and essential publication that has been issued by the C.P. for a long time. Though you read nothing else you should read and study this. Carry it in your pocket and have it always in your mind.

The Party cannot rest content until every member has a copy of this booklet and has used it time and again.

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