Proclamation by Charles II made in 1667 (SP 45/12/246)
By the King
For the discovery and Apprehension of John Lockier, Timothy Butler, Thomas Blood, commonly called Captain Blood, John Mason, and others. CHARLES R
Whereas we have been informed, that the said John Lockier, Timothy Butler, and Captain Blood, with several other persons did lately in a most riotous and Rebellious manner, at Darrington near Went-Bridge in the County of York, violently set upon and assault the Guard intrusted with the care of Conducting one John Mason, a Prisoner for Treason, from Our Tower of London to Our City of York, in order to his Tryal there; and they having killed and desperately wounded several of the said Guard, and others, did rescue and carry away the said Mason, and do lurk in secret places, and not submit themselves to justice; We therefore have thought fit (with the advice of Our Privy Council) to publish this Our Royal Proclamation, And do thereby straightly Charge and Command all and Singular Lords Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and Subjects whatsoever, to be diligent, and use their best endeavours to Search for and Apprehend the said Lockier, Butler, Blood, and Mason, and all others who were any way instrumental in the said Rescue or Escape, in all places whatsoever; and upon the Apprehension of all or any the said persons, to cause them to be safely conveyed to the Goal of the City or County where they shall be so Apprehended, and forthwith to give notice thereof to one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, that such further course may be taken, as We with the advice of Our Council shall direct. And We do hereby further Declare, That One hundred pounds Sterling shall be given and paid by Us to any person or persons, as a recompence for their good Service…
Apprehension: capture or arrest
Bayliff: bailiff, an official who helps the sheriff and who has the power to deliver writs and arrest people
Diligent: active, tireless
Endeavours: efforts, attempts
Instrumental: helpful, assisting to do something
Lord Lieutenant: a nobleman responsible for military matters in the county on behalf of the King
Proclamation: announcement, notice
Recompence: payment, reward
Riotous: disorderly, unruly, wild
Sheriff: an officer in the county who dealt with the law
Singular: certain, particular
Straightly: absolutely, directly
Submit: surrender, obey, give in
Treason: disloyalty to one’s country or king by purposely acting to aid its enemies
Tryal: trial
1. This is a Proclamation by Charles II made in 1667.
- According to this proclamation, what was Thomas Blood commonly called?
- What did Thomas Blood and others do?
- What does the proclamation tell us about Stuart methods for capturing criminals or solving crimes?
- Do you think these methods may or may not have been effective? Give your reasons