The Humble Petition of the undersigned, being loyal and dutiful subjects of your Majesty:
- Your Petitioners submit this Petition on behalf of the Men’s Committee for Justice to Women
- For many years past large numbers of Your Majesty’s subjects, who are women taxpayers and as such share with their other fellow citizens the obligations and burdens necessary for the maintenance and defence of the Realm, have urged that they as a matter of right and justice, should also have a share in the same way as men citizens of saying how such taxes should be raised and spent, and by what laws and in what manner this Realm should be governed.
- For this purpose societies of women citizens have been organised to promote the passing into law of the measure which shall confer on women citizens the same political rights as are enjoyed by men. Among such societies are The Women’s Social and Political Union and The Women’s Freedom League. These two societies alone directly represent in their membership many thousands of your Majesty’s subjects who pay taxes and share other obligations of citizenship.
- Ever since Mr. Asquith, your Majesty’s Prime Minister, has held his present office, the societies mentioned have sought an interview with him for the purpose of placing before him reasons why the Government should give facilities for a measure granting full political rights to women. To this end Mr. Asquith has on many occasions been asked to receive a small deputation of women representing the said societies, but he has always refused to receive any such deputation.
- Moreover deputations of women have been chosen to present to Mr. Asquith in person at the House of Commons resolutions and petitions in favour of the proposed reform. Such deputations proceeding in a lawful, quiet and reasonable manner to the House of Commons in exercise of their undoubted constitutional right, have at the instance of Mr. Asquith been met by the forces of the police, denied entrance to the Houses of parliament and without fair cause have suffered arrest and imprisonment.
- Mr. Asquith has been again asked to receive at the House of Commons a small deputation of women citizens representing among other bodies of organised women subjects the two societies named and he has replied repeating his former refusal. The deputation has notwithstanding decided to go to the House of Commons and there repeat their request to see Mr. Asquith and submit to him reasons why the proposed reform should be undertaken by the Government. There are grounds for believing that Mr. Asquith will meet this assertion of right on the part of your Majesty’s dutiful and loyal subjects with the same exercise of force as before and great wrong will be done to your subjects.
- Your Majesty’s predecessors have granted and your Majesty has confirmed to all loyal subjects the right of approaching your Majesty and submitting petitions for the address of grievance and your petitioners humbly submit that the subjects of your Majesty are acting within the spirit and substance of the Constitution desiring your Majesty’s Minister on your Majesty’s behalf, and in your Majesty’s name to concede a like privilege to that which you and your Majesty’s predecessors have ever freely granted.
Your petitioners would therefore humbly petition that your Majesty will, to prevent the threatened wrong, give such directions or take such measures as will ensure hearing today by Mr. Asquith of the deputation of women from the said societies
And your Petitioners will ever pray etc.
Petition from the Men’s Committee of Justice for Women’s Suffrage, 29 June, 1909 (Catalogue ref: HO 45/10338/139199)
- What sort of suffrage campaign method is this?
- What arguments are used to justify votes for women?
- Why have the petitioners appealed to the king?
- Find out more about the Men’s Committee of Justice for Women’s Suffrage, how did it differ from Men’s Political Union for Women’s Enfranchisement?