Wilfred Owen

This document records the decision of an army medical board regarding an officer, in this case, war poet, 2nd Lieutenant, Wilfred Owen, (Catalogue ref: WO 138/74)


CONFIDENTIAL                                                                                Army form A.45


Assembled at WELSH HOSPITAL NETLEY ON                            25.6.17

By order of A.C.I. 423 dated 9/3/17

For the purpose of examining and reporting upon the present state of health of

(Rank and Name)   2/Lieut. Wilfred Owen             (Corps) 5/attd.2 /Manchesters.

Age    24   Service 1.9/12            Disability          Neurasthenia (143)

Date of commencement of leave granted for present disability…………………..

Date on which placed on half-pay for present disability……………………………

The Board having assembled pursuant to order, and having read the instructions on the back of the form, proceed to examine the above-named officer and find that

In March 1917 he fell down a well at Bouchoir, and was momentarily stunned. He was under Medical treatment for 3 weeks, and then resumed duty. About the middle of April he was blown up by a shell explosion while he was asleep. On May 1st. he was observed to be shaky and tremulous, and his conduct and manner were [peculiar], and his memory was confused. The R.M.O. sent him to No.41 Sty. [Stationary Hospital], Gailly where he was under observation and treatment by Capt. Brown R.A.M.C. Neurological Specialist for a month. On 7/6/17 he was transferred to No.1 G.H. [General Hospital] Etretat, and on 16/6/17 to the Welsh Hospital Netley. There is little abnormality to be observed but he seems to be of a highly strung temperament. He has slept well while here. He leaves Hospital to-day transferred to Craig Lockhart War Hospital, Edinburgh for special observation and treatment.

The Board will classify the officer under one of the following categories, the probable period of unfitness for the higher categories being stated.

  1. Fit for General Service    ………………………………Unfit for six months
  2. Fit for service in Garrison or Labour Battalion abroad. No office likely to be fit for general service within six months should be classed in this category

Not applicable

  1. Fit for Home Service……………………………………….Unfit three months
  2. Fit for Light Duty at Home………………………………….Unfit three months
  3. Requiring indoor hospital treatment-
  • In an Officers’ Hospital………………………………….Yes
  • In an Officers’ Convalescent Hospital……………Not Applicable
  1. (a.) Fit for light duty at a Command Depot………… Not Applicable
  • Fit for treatment only at a Command Depot…….Not Applicable
  1. In very special cases such as tuberculosis leave…… Not Applicable

not exceeding six months may be recommended by

Medical Boards for special treatment, the Board

giving details reasons for any such recommendation

  1. Was the disability contracted in the service? Yes
  2. Was it contracted under circumstances over which Yes

he had no control?

  1. Was it caused by Military Service?                          Yes
  2. If caused by military service, to what specific Active Service in France

military conditions is it attributed?

  1. If the disability was not caused by military

service was it aggravated thereby, and if so, by

what specific military conditions?                            Not applicable

Officer’s Address

Malsin, Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury


Return to Medicine on the Western Front (part one)