Transcript [French]
A nostre seignour le Roi moustre e se pleynt Richard del Tweytes mason qe fuit en tour la fesure de vne chapel qe le count de Lan/castre sit fere en le Chastel de Killingworth’ pur ces gages preynent quant il ouera e quant il ne ouera mye nuls ne prist ne le dit Ri/chard ne fuit a ces Robes ne a ces feez ne a ly iure ne a soun counseil ne vnques en purpos fuit mes vne semayne auant qe nostre / seignour le Roy vint a Warwyk il sesserent de lour fesure du dit chapel e touz ces compaynons furent en garnesture en le dit / Chastel horspris lauant dit Richard qe fut
demorant en sa chambre en le dit Chastel sur ses costages demeyne ne vnques ne / fuit encontre nostre seignour le Roi en ceo point ne en nul autre e ceo vuet il bien auerer par tut le pays par quey prie le dit Richard / a nostre seignur le Roi qil voille de sa grace granter sa lettre au dit Richard qil puisse auer deliuerance de ces bienz qe sont arestuez par / Robert de Stoke vostre ministre, car il sa femme e ces fauntz ne ount rien dont viure. E pur ceo voille auer regard de eux pur / lamour dieu e vostre alme.
[Endorsed] Mandetur quod Rex certificetur / super modo et causa capcionis etc. / et retournata causa fiat ibidem ei iusticia.
To our lord the king, Richard del Tweytes shows and complains that he was working as a mason on the construction of a chapel that the earl of Lancaster caused to be made in the castle of Kenilworth, taking his wages when he worked but taking nothing when he did not, and nor was the said Richard at his robes or fees, nor was he sworn to him or of his council and he was never of a mind to be so, but a week before our said lord the king came to Warwick, they ceased their work on the said chapel and all of those working on it were in the garrison in the said castle except for the said Richard who was staying in his chamber in the said castle at his own costs, and neither was he ever against our lord the king at this point or at any other, which he can well prove throughout the country, wherefore the said Richard prays to our lord the king that he will of his grace grant his letter to the said Richard that he might have delivery of his goods that have been arrested by Robert Stoke, your minister, for he, his wife and his children have nothing from which they can live. And because of this, he might have regard for them for the love of God and your soul.
[Endorsed] It is commanded that the king be certified as to the manner and cause of the seizure etc., and, the cause having been returned, let justice be done to him there.
Petition of Richard del Tweytes to King Edward II, 1322, Catalogue ref: SC 8/76/3760
This document has been endorsed which means there is writing on the back that shows the claim was considered by the king and his council and certain action was to be taken.
- Why does Richard del Tweytes want the help of the King?
- What kind of worker is Richard del Tweytes suggesting he is?
- How does Richard del Tweytes try to show his loyalty to the King?
- Why would a castle have a chapel?
- What does this source reveal about the function of Kenilworth Castle and its position in the civil war?