Source 3b

Extract of a private letter, St Ann’s, Barbados (CO 28/85)


…with an extraordinary emblematic flag. They were pursued to the house of Mr. Grosset, which they occupied and fled from it as we came up, but were soon disabled.Many of them killed and wounded, leaping from the windows and rushing from the doors, a very pretty scene did it exhibit, our men following them across the fields and firing as fast as possible.A party of the 15th Regiment under Major Grierson also had a brush with the rascals, and punished them pretty handsomely for their temerity. The insurgents did not think our men would fight against black men, but thank God they were deceived.


Emblematic: a symbol representing an idea

Insurgents: rebels; people taking part in an uprising

Temerity: boldness

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3. Read all parts of Source 3. This is an extract of a private letter, St Ann’s, Barbados 27 April 1816.

  • What is the attitude of the writer to the insurgents?
  • How many men were killed on both sides?