Making plans

‘Matters to be observed’ at the coronation of Elizabeth I, 1559 (SP 12/1 f.110).

More information about this document can be found in Discovery, our online catalogue: Letters and papers


Articles Concerning the Queenes
Ma[jes]ties Coronation.

First a Com[m]ission under the great Seale to be directed
to such persons as shall please the Queenes highnes to
name for the receaving allowing and disallowing of
claymes for services to be done at the sayd Coronation

For that purpose the Queenes Ma[jes]tie
hath appoynted these following

Therle of Salop
The Lord Lumley
The Lord North to be Com[m]ission[e]rs for the Claymes 
S[i]r Rich[ard] Sackvile Therle of Salop and Justice Dyer  
Justice Dyer to be of the Quor[um] 

Item writtes to be directed to the Sheriffes of every
County for warning of the said partyes to put in the
Claymes accordingly.

Item Com[m]issioners to be named by her highnes
for such as shalbe warned to take the order of kn[igh]thood

For that the Queenes highnes hath
likewise appoynted these following

The lord Robert Dudley
S[i]r Thomas Parrie
S[i]r Edward Rogers to be Com[m]issioners to co[m]pound
S[i]r Ambrose Cave w[i]th such as shalbe named Kn[igh]ts
S[i]r Raffe Sadler

Item writts to the Sheriffes to warne all such to
take uppon them the same order as may dispend
xlli in yearely revenewes etc as in presidents hath
beene used.

Item one to be named by her Ma[jes]tie that shall Receive
the money growing on the same Fynes.

S[i]r Thomas

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