A polite reminder

Memoranda by Sir Edward Walker, Garter King at Arms, of things which King Charles II must be ‘put in mind to do, five or six weeks before his coronation’ [memo dated 26 October 1660] (SP 29/19, f. 83).

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What the Kings Ma[jes]tie is to be putt in mind to doe Five or sixe
weekes before his Coronation

First to Issue a Com[m]ission to certaine Noblemen and Judges to receive Petitions
and determine Claymes of such as by their tenures are bound to doe services at the

This is to be Proclaimed by an Herauld in three severall places in London at least
3 weekes before the Coronation according to the ensueing forme if it be approved

Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender
of the faith etc To all men to whom these p[re]sentes shall come Greeting. Whereas by the
Lawes and ancient Customes of this Realme of England the Noble King lets and other
the Kings Ma[jes]ties Subjects by sundry tenures of their Lands and hereditaments and boundes
to attend upon his Ma[jes]ties persn Royall at the time and day of his Graces Coronation to doe
exhibite and minister to his Highnes their severall services dutyes ministerys and officers and
thereupon to receive of his Ma[jes]tie such guifts Fees and rewardes as to their severall servic…
offices and dutyes of ancient time hath beene accustomed and apperteyned. His Ma[jes]ties …
by this his Highnes Proclamac[i]on signifyeth to all his said Nobility and other … …
Subjectes clayming to doe service at his sayd Coronation that his Ma[jes]tie hath … …
Highnes Com[m]ission appointed assigned and authorised his right trusty and right wellbeloved
or three of them to be his Co[m]missioners for the receiveing and allowance of the said Claymes
who shall beginn his Ma[jes]ties Court for that purpose upon [blank] the [blank] day
[blank] within the Whitehall of his Ma[jes]ties Pallace of Westminster, then and there
to receive heare determine and allow the Petic[i]ons and Claymes of the severall services …
said Nobles and other his faithfull Subjects to be done by them and every of them by reason of
their severall Tenures and Services at the day of his Ma[jes]ties Coronation, which God willing
shall be the [blank] day of [blank] next comeing according to their dutyes and his Ma[jes]ties
Lawes. Wherefore his Ma[jes]ties pleasure is that every man haveing any thing to doe be… …
the said Com[m]issioners shall give their attendance at the said day accordingly, and God …
the King.

Secondly his Ma[jes]ties is to direct a warrant to one of his Principall Secretaryes of
State to prepare Letters to all his Nobility, or such of them as his Ma[jes]tie shall …
appoint to attend at his Coronation according to the formes following (if … …
approved) and these L[ett]res to be written at least a moneth before the Corona[tion]


26 [Octo]ber 1660

Duke of Albemarle for
apointeing A shipp to transport
souldiers to Dunkirke

To the Com[missione]rs of his Maj[es]ties Navy at

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