Misplaced DPP 2 record

FOI request reference: CAS-83073-K9D2D9
Publication date: February 2022


Following a FOI request in 2019 the records [DPP 2/2477] are now missing.
Please advise regarding the number of people and departments that accessed the records and the process being followed to retrieve the records.


Information provided.


Please see the following access statistics, in relation to DPP 2/2477:

Public = 2
Staff = 1

Between December 2015 and December 2018, DPP 2/2477 was ordered by staff five times, however these orders were frustrated. (A frustrated order is the term we use when an order for a record cannot proceed due to the record not being in place at the time the order was made).

This record was designated as misplaced in 2015 and then found in June 2020.

DPP 2/2477 is currently closed until 2051, however, if you would like to submit an FOI request for this record, we can now process that for you. To submit a FOI request for DPP 2/2477 either respond to this email or use the ‘submit FOI request’ to the right hand side of the entry on our catalogue, Discovery, which can be found here: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C10874360.

We apologise for an inconvenience caused by this record being misplaced. More information about misplaced items can be found here: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/about/our-role/transparency/misplaced-items/.