Expenditure relating to translation, interpretation and language services at the King’s Printer for Scotland (KPS)

FOI request reference: CAS-165405-Q5M4C9
Publication date: January 2024


Dear King’s Printer for Scotland,
Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.
All expenditure made by your organisation, in every facet of its operations and purview, on translation, interpretation, and language services. Please provide the aggregated total spent by your organisation and then, if possible, please provide this broken down by particular function for which the service was carried out.


No information held.


The King’s Printer for Scotland (KPS) does not hold this information. This is because the KPS does not provide any translation, interpretation, or language services. Section 92(5) of the Scotland Act specifies that the Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament shall hold the Office of Queen’s Printer for Scotland. The KPS is based at The National Archives and the functions of the KPS are carried out from within The National Archives. The staff who deliver these services also support wider legislation publishing across the UK. There are no individual members of staff allocated to the KPS on a full-time basis and anyone who performs KPS duties is an employee of The National Archives.