ES series at TNA

FOI request reference: CAS-99508-M7X8Q0
Publication date: December 2022


1. Can you tell me how many of the original [ES series] files withdrawn for review have since completed that review and been made available for public viewing?
2. Can you provide the file numbers for those records that have been returned?


Information provided.


1. Can you tell me how many of the original [ES series] files withdrawn for review have since completed that review and been made available for public viewing?

Currently, a total of 952 records from the ES series have been reviewed and are now available to view at The National Archives. 194 documents were cleared at Stage 1 and 758 cleared at Stage 4 of the review process.

2. Can you provide the file numbers for those records that have been returned?

Please find spreadsheet of these ES series records where the review process has been completed attached.