
If you wish to contact The National Archives for advice or information in any of the following areas, the most appropriate contacts are listed below. If you have a records, research or record copying enquiry, please use our contact form.

Contacting us by email

The National Archives
+44 (0) 20 8876 3444
For general enquiries
Crown copyright, licensing and public sector information
+44 (0) 20 8876 3444
For Crown copyright, licensing and public sector information
Legislation Services
+44 (0) 20 8392 5202
For legislation publishing enquiries
Official Publishing Enquiries
+44 (0) 20 8392 5218
For enquiries about official publishing of Parliamentary papers (including Command and House of Commons Papers), and requests for Command Paper numbers from government departments
Information management
For queries relating to information management, including the selection and transfer of records to The National Archives
Information Management Assessment programme
For queries relating to the IMA programme
Digital preservation
Conserving and preserving digital information.
Developing and researching suitable systems to handle technological changes in digital formats
Archives Sector Development
Archives Sector Development
For queries relating to the wider archives and records sector, including the National Register of Archives, collection strategies, privately-owned archives, Places of Deposit and archive inspections, information management in public bodies outside central government, and Archives for the 21st Century