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Search by software

PRONOM stores information on software products used to create or view electronic records. This information includes the vendor who provides that software, and information on the support of the product.


1. Software name

Enter a software product name in the box and click 'search' to view a report on all software products which contain that name. You can enter part of a name rather than needing to provide the entire product name. You do not need to include version numbers in the product name - these are held separately in PRONOM and your search may fail to find the product if you include the version number in this box.

Leave the box empty and click 'search' to view a report on all software products known to PRONOM.



Example software product name search box

2. Vendor name

Enter a software vendor name and click 'search' to view a report on all software products by vendors who have that name. You can enter part of a name rather than needing to provide the entire vendor name. You do not need to include the corporate status of the vendor (plc, inc, etc.) as the report will include all vendors whose name contain the name you entered.

Leave the box empty and click 'search' to view a report on all software products from all vendors known to PRONOM


Example of vendor name search box
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